So I’ve been watching a lot of Aria Rose’s videos about Mercy and all the problems Mercy currently has. The videos, I feel like at least, are making me realize how broken Rez is as a cooldown. Basically, Rez as an E ability is just too strong for Mercy and is not earned. Before Mercy’s rework, you had to earn Rez by healing/damaging boosting teammates, but now since its on a 30 sec cooldown, you can simply just have already given to you. For example, when a round starts and one of your teammates die, you can simply use E to rez them since you already have the ability to start with.
What if instead of making Rez an ability you were given at the start, you had to earn it by gaining ult charge. Basically, Rez was an ability only usable in Valkyrie. She can still only rez one player, but at least its balanced in a way where she had to earn the ability by gaining ult charge. An ability like Rez is clearly too strong when made as a E ability, so why can’t it just be used during her ultimate.
I would not totally be against it being instant. Also, I wanted to point out that the reason I think Mass Rez was disliked by players because Mercy would swoop into the middle of the point and just insta Rez 5 of her teammates. Now, she could go in and just rez one teammate. Insta Rezing one teammate seems fair and possibly game changing, and give Mercy players the feeling they made a positive impact in the game.
Honestly, I would just have it to where when Mercy uses Q to activate Valkyrie, she would be given the E ability, which would be only enabled when she activates Valkyrie. But I guess Q could work too ¯_(ツ)_/¯
This would cripple Mercy’s mid-game output, which was one of the reasons she got reworked to begin with. Mercy’s mid-game play consisted of holding left or right click on a target, and the rest of her time was spent trying not to die so she can get ultimate, and then not die until that ultimate was cast. Resurrect as an ability allows Mercy to make game-changing plays in the midst of a fight and have real impact without having to wait for her Q button to ready up. Taking away Resurrect as an ability would either mean letting her mid-game be full of relatively nothing except target prioritization, or it would mean balancing it out with a new ability and then we’re in the mess of adding new powers to characters again, and just… that’s a mess.
Adding Resurrect to Valkyrie is also not a good idea. For one, by adding more power to her ultimate, you make it even harder to balance the rest of her kit. Valkyrie is already a strong ultimate, adding more power to it via this extremely precious utility is just going to make it unbalanced, or make it extremely difficult in tweaking other parts of her kit – you can’t justify buffing other parts of a hero’s kit if they need it when that hero has such an amazing ultimate.
Furthermore, you run into a problem where no one would use Valkyrie in situations outside of ressing someone. I mean, why would you? Why pop Valkyrie if no one is dead? You’d be wasting that useful ability otherwise, so this limits when and where Mercy can cast Valkyrie. Right now, the whole design of the ultimate is to give Mercy independence – her greatest weaknesses are temporarily relieved and she isn’t so bound to just pocketing teammates. It’d be a bit contradictory to add a new power to this ultimate that restricts when she’s allowed to use it in the first place.
Overwatch really doesn’t have the flow where an ultimate ability is one that revives dead teammates. The mechanics don’t conventionally meld with it, and the weight of what ultimates are really make it a problem when one is about bringing back the dead, in a game where literally other ultimate is just “stop my team from dying” or “kill the enemy faster,” in some fashion. Balancing Resurrect to be a part of Mercy’s ultimate, in any way, just can’t really be done without falling into identified pitfalls; does the ult have too much potential? does it enable bad gameplay? does it restrict what Mercy can do? are there enough limitations to make it counterable, or are they too many limitations to the point that the ultimate can never be used consistently?
Resurrect is healthiest on a cooldown ability, and it should be tweaked there with whatever tweaks it needs. Adding it to an ultimate is just asking for trouble.
No, I’m just saying how those abilities aren’t allowed by players to activate. Basically, the ability is disabled until the character is in a certain state, if the that makes sense.
The that makes sense, indeed.
But I was making the point that Piledriver and Hack aren’t tied to the ult, whereas this rez would be. Thus you do not need to always show it exists.
Well depends on how powerful the rest of Valk is honestly
It’s a great start and honestly even if we did it exactly like that it’d fix mercy enough for Blizz to finally be able to move her to secondary priority which as much as I hate it as I’d love to play Mercy again it’s still best for Blizz
However the thing is Mercy 1.0 where 5 man rez was her thing, that was considered UP and needed bufs and I can tell you why, no mid fight power compared to her competition Ana.
So if we did this we’d need to be complete and give her a new More manageable E, a Cleanse, a way to reduce incoming damage, I think the only thingi t shouldn’t be is some burst heal (as lack of true burst is suppposed to be her weakness) and nomore mobility (as she’s got enough and it wouldn’t solve the problem>)
Honestly, Eevee has great suggestions on how to balance Valk, such as reducing the duration from 15 secs to 12 secs.
I don’t think players would just use Valk solely for the Rez ability. I think Valk is already a good ult for keeping teammates alive through chain healing, although Mercy’s healing has been/will be reduced from 60/s to 50/s soon, so currently, I can’t say how useful Valk will be in the future.