why stop at 2-2-2? I think locking the game for 2-3-1 would be more interesting. balance healers so each one can stand on their own.
What if I liked playing against Goats?
goes Brigitte anyways
It would be âWe have a Torb and Sym main GGâ
NO, if healers and tanks are picked more because they are too strong to be without, and push DPS out, then requiring 2-2-2 creates a game where DPS are weak but have to be picked. That makes it so that anyone playing DPS has less influence on the gameâs victory meaning as a DPS player youâre basically along for the ride which is horrible.
To top it off, 2-2-2 is not what we should aim for anyway! Itâs a bad idea when most the roster is DPS to aim for pick rates that make most the roster less represented. The game should should for at least 3 dps if the hero pool is going to have any chance of being balanced in pick rates which should definitely be a goal.
I would like it, personally, because Iâm a flex main and would have no issue fitting in, but thereâs many people who simply cannot fill these roles.
Some people arenât comfortable with certain hero types to be able to play them well enough in comp. if they get stuck filling a tank role with no way to express that they canât, the game will go poorly. Forcing the roles isnât a good idea all the time.
Everything has at least 1 fan. Most hate Goats.
No one claims the system is perfect and fixes every issue. It fixes 2 mains ones that are randomness and not being able to play what you want. The 2 main reasons people are sick of this game.
And, for example, they wouldnât have to balance barriers because there are more barrier tanks. They wouldnât have to be afraid to introduce more variety of barrier tanks because you wouldnât be able to stack them and make an unbearable comp.
Why? Goats is fun to play against
But you can play what you want. 2-2-2 isnât forced
Short answer, no it wouldnât.
Long answer;
If you limit the already limited spectrum of characters, into an even smaller finite group for each player based on RNG or role queue, then youâll find a great deal of grumpy people not wanting to play tank or healer.
In a way with hero banning you are forcing metas to become the meta for that game. Instead of hero banning maybe try buffing heroes like Junkrat, Pharah and maybe Bastion[tho he just got a buff].
like we are seeing now considering theres always a strict meta?
One of the best suggestions Iâve seen so far is to force you to have at least 1 of each role but no more than 3 in that role.
This shuts out GOATS which shouldnât be a thing anyway when 2/3 of the roster are dps heroes. It also prevents you from going 1 tank 1 healer and 4 dps.
While it would restrict possible combinations somewhat, it is the most forgiving in allowing creativity in team comps and still having a balanced team.
Seeing now in specific ranks you mean? I havent seen goats once in any of my comp games. In fact every game has different heroes. Forcing every rank into a 2-2-2 meta is bs.
Well in theory this would also go hand in hand with a role queue system where one would pick to play tank/support or DPS. Then the flex with in that role would be due to hero balance being built around 2-2-2 in the first place.
Maybe even have a different SR for each role. Making for an interesting effort by some to rank up with each class of hero.
Itâs part of the reason I donât think we see this happen.
It something that would have needed to be in game since launch and then fine tuned with years of balance passes and hero launches build around a more core 2-2-2 balance. I donât think one can just stuff it into the game now and it just works like magic.
I could see a limit on just supports to only 2 and then the rest of a team comp is allowed to run wild. As I suspect a lot of current meta issue are from stacking a bunch of healing.
If you really believe that then youâre one of those people that always play what they want and ignore what the team needs
Yes, it would. Getting tired of the constant games these days: Side A: 2 shield tanks, 2 healers, 2 DPS; Side B: 6 DPS, one healer. Who do you think wins 70% of the time? Its absurd.
Add to that the fact Mercy is useless now in many cases, and if she is on your team its almost a throw pick given how much utility the other supports give.
Wow side B has a major advantage there!
Sorry, couldnt resist haha.
No, it would not stop metas from happening at all. In fact it would limit what can be done about certain metas, because there would be fewer variants and fewer opportunities to find counter strategies.
Traditional dive comp was 2-2-2, and that was the basis of the meta for around 1.5 years.
This is always going to happen.
Edit; teams having a limited number of swaps could be interesting.
If its always going to happen then why bother forcing a 2-2-2
Iâd rather player get to flex and choose then be forced. Creativity makes the game much more fun.
if you dont see the advantage of forced 2-2-2, then idk what to tell ya
and people still wonder why DPS mains that are forced to heal end up being battle mercy/moira/ana
balanced matches rn are a coin flip, where the team that gets at least 1 tank and 2 healer MAINS will win
an ana main > a flexer
Because then the individual characters can be balanced better. You donât have to tone down tank damage if you can only have two. Same goes for the other roles and healing. Caps cc etc.
Hopefully with the limits enough characters would be strong enough to interchange characters for different situations/maps.
Someone made a good point before that all the cancer comps are the only ones you wonât be able to run with limits. I donât get why people want to be able to swap to counters anyway? My idea of sick tourney play isnât seeing one team start stomping with genji, just to see the other pull out winston, just for genji to go reaper. Thereâs nothing entertaining about swapping to me especially when so many of the counters are so one sided.
Again a limit on hero swaps the teams share could be interesting.