Would it be better to remove mmr?

If as most people here and the devs say what really matter is your rank then why have a hidden mmr?

I don’t like my team mates being chosen based on how well I am doing rather than my rank. If I am doing really good why must I get worse team mates. If I am doing bad why be rewarded with better team mates?

If you do actually think mmr is a good thing why?


The only kind of person who would say this, is someone who doesn’t understand MMR. I’d suggest giving this post a read


I just have to work off my own experience. Since they don’t say exactly how mmr works.

Besides my question was on whether they should keep it or not. You never answered.

if you remove it you’ll get unfair games
it’ll also ruin diamond+, since mmr is what makes decayed players still fight their rank (so a gm wont just decay to 3000 and stomp back to 4000)


Yeah I was about to say it would make diamond even worse lol

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Personally, I’d rather see overwatch ditch the ranking system altogether in favor of a tournament mode that would require you to manage and put together a team. A clan tournament, whatever you want to call it. People get frustrated and elitist and argue over SR, all the time. I’d rather just see this game I love made to be a team oriented game instead of it supposed to be a team game and becoming a who can carry game.


If it does make unfair games then why should someone be at such a rank opposite what their skill level is then? And I thought mmr and sr were supposed to closely follow each other anyway.

As for rank decay I hadn’t thought of that. So MMR doesn’t decay with rank? I thought the devs had stated mmr was usually supposed to be close to sr? If it’s 1,000 off sr that seems to be a pretty big issue affecting the quality of your opponents pretty insanely. Unless this only happens at the very highest of ranks. And if it does should the entire playerbase be affected for just the top .1% of players?

MMR is what takes everything into account, if you’re overperforming your MMR rises faster than your SR, thats why you gain more sr the better you do (PBSR, soft streaks, etc)

MMR doesn’t decay, if MMR decayed then diamond would be full of GMS.
Diamond is the top 10%

By this logic, then we shouldn’t deal with smurfs because ‘only bronzes are effected by smurfs’ and bronze is what, 8% of the playerbase?

Just don’t remove MMR. We have it for a reason

Yes that would be an issue if MMR worked the opposite of how it works but it doesn’t. Higher MMR doesn’t mean worse team mates - it actually means better team mates (and better opponents). If you decay from 4k to 3k your MMR is still at the 4k level and since SR is not taken into account for matchmaking you will be put in 4k games with large gains for each win so that your SR quickly will rise up to 4k again (even with a 50% win rate). Sure you could let the GM stomp diamonds and masters for a few hours but how would that benefit anyone when the person in the end would end up at the same SR.

Not sure what’s wrong with that.

mmr is a false system and is completely corruopted

take for example 4 players

2 high skill and 2 low skills

according to statistics, the 2 high skill and 2 low skill will be separated, and their win loss set to 50%. its completely fake and doesn’t allow for growrth

decay should only be for t500/gm.
mmr makes sense so that people who carry losing games get rewarded when they win.
the worse thing in this game is 1000sr matchmaking, with a modest 200sr performance swing you are looking at a potential for 1400 sr difference in players in the same game. this completely undermines competative below 3500 and makes it a joke.

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High skill meaning higher MMR/SR and low skill meaning lower MMR/SR I take it? Why on earth do you think that 2 low skill players would get matched in the same game as 2 high skill players? You are sitting at 1k SR yourself - when’s the last time you got put in a gold game? I’m sure that has never happened because you get put in the same game as people of your skill - that is people around 1k SR.

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If it stays as it is now => yes, remove it. They made too complicated out of it. No point at all. “Fair win conditions” => they don’t exists unless they have full AI system checking all key presses and events happened.

Lucky ults, fast kills in the beginning can dictate the whole round.

Like said before, just let it grow a little bit faster cumulative than your SR (or go down). Nothing else is needed. Like in WoW.

Go join a Discord server or Open Division.

How do you know that’s how it works? What evidence do you have? It seems to me that it’s more likely MMR exists as a sort of back-end so they can make adjustments to the system should they see fit - like the removal of performance based SR in certain ranks or when they adjusted the rank distribution back around Season 3 and provides a mechanism through which decay can work - and SR is just a simple representation of MMR, as opposed to the “theory” that MMR exists to match good players with bad players to force losses.

They didn’t make it too complicated: the loony conspiracy theorists on this forum who can’t accept they aren’t better than gold are the ones making it way too complicated. In their minds, MMR is some advanced AI technology from the year 2190 that runs a million simulations to match you with people that will force you to lose two games in a row.


So what is the thing restricting you from doing this already? If you wanna do it, do it dont post like “hey Id rather have this so other cant do other things, everyone now has to do this one thing”. Dont take comp away from casuals and go get a team for ur self and go play tournaments.

Nope, they have said it tries to matchmake you with conditions like “won a lot” “won barely” which is total BS. As we all know these conditions could be dictated by luck ults etc.

They’ve specifically stated it doesn’t take into consideration win percentages etc…

Come on you got 2000+ posts and you have never read their MMR conditions?

They have said that they will make fair win conditions like “one team won by a lot” “one team lost by a margin” etc. This is fact. Win % doesn’t mean anything here.

I have looked into MMR :thinking: that’s how I know you are wrong. The reason games steam role is because the team that wins the first fight usually have more ults and it’s hard to recover from that

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Forgive me if i missed something but diamond+ gos off of sr only (win/loss) it dosnt take into account mmr anymore like the lower ranks…if mmr was removed from ranked games it would probly encourage more team work as ur stats would not matter only win/loss would matter. I wouldnt mind bliz testing it one season just to see how well/bad it dos