Would 175HP Mercy and some reverts "fix" her?

Nerf Mercy’s damage boost by quite a bit and revert her mobility changes, that’s all she needs. Her healing is fine and her mobility is what makes her fun. No one cares about damage boost besides pocket duos and no one cares about what pocket duos think to be honest.

Honestly, it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to make all hyper mobile squishies 150-175HP. Let them keep the fun movement, but there should be some downside to it, especially when OW2 has removed most of the counters to it.


Unironically, I’d like to see this tried out in Experimental. Trade hp for small buffs and such on certain squishies. Pretty sure the Genji mains would have an aneurysm for getting dropped to 175 even if they got damage buffs in return tho. :rofl:

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They could just revert Mercy all the way back to how she was in OW1.

Plain and simple. Good Mercy will still be able to move how she is now, while bad Mercy will have to learn the mechanics of the OG GA.

If we were to do 175hp Mercy, then she needs to be reverted back to how she was back in Seasons 1-2. Get rid of the new passive, get rid of the ridiculous 3-second cooldown on GA, and just a full revert back to seasons 1-2.

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No, not necessarily. It would be exactly how she was back in OW1, with the “bug”. Right now the devs are trying to make this “bug” easily accessible to all the players, meaning making it easier for people who are not familiar with this tech, to become familiar with and have it easier to perform.

What people fail to realize is that you were always able to perform this super jump mechanic, as long as you have a teammate who is at a higher elevation than you. When she crouches and GA, the Mercy is being put at a lower elevation by the teammate that she is GA too.

For those who did not know how to crouch GA, the person could still perform an SJ if they have the ally jump slightly while Mercy looks up and GA + slingshot, which will equal vertical movement opposed to horizontal movement.

There are a lot better ways to lower Mercy’s survival than just a flat HP nerf.

For example,

Best option: Go back to OW1 GA.

Decent option: Go back to S1 GA plus 175 HP.

Worst option: Whatever the fork Blizz did.

I was wondering when you’d pop in, Grey! Always got interesting angles to tackle a problem from. A hitbox increase - during Valk especially - would be a good nerf to exchange for buffs imo. The fiery part of her Valk wings sure do look misleading!

I want blizzard to decide which version of mercy they want, then STOP CHANGING HER EVERY PATCH

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Not my cup of tea.

She might be slippery, but it’s because she can still take a hit or two. Knock her down to 175hp and she’d melt to any focus fire like she wasn’t even there.

Her survivability “is” her thing. So shifting things around like her GA cooldown, HP, making her hitbox larger, etc., just make her worse to play, and don’t really address the things some camps really don’t like (damage boost).

So IMHO, people just need to focus on that one thing, and come up with solutions for that. Otherwise the arrow just keeps pointing all over the place, and never lands where anyone wants.

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I mean. I’d be up to try 175 if that gets her movement back, but I think it would promote a lot more turtling.

I’d be more supportive of a hitbox nerf to make her a little bit easier to hit while she flies. I think that would help create a skill differentiation between Mercies who utilize GA’s newfound flexibility to maneuver around cover…and Mercies who just spam movement and pray for people to miss.

As for 175 AND Damage Boost nerfs? Sounds like that streamer just wants her dumpstered lol.

As the devs had several multiple times before, while Damage Boost does occassionally cause breakpoint issues, there’s not a whole lot they can do to nerf it without making it feel extremely unimpactful. It already does less damage than every other support does with their primary fire, and this is on a hero who already has mediocre heals. Its only real upside is that Mercy can use it whilst hiding behind a wall, which isn’t something that can really be ‘nerfed’ without reworking the ability entirely.

Imagine 175hp mercy against winston/genji/tracer haha

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Why not just leave the bug too? It was there forever and wasn’t really a problem. I’m talking about just bring her back exactly as she was, bugs and all.

Except it was a problem. If your entire character requires an unintuitive combination of combos in order to be even mediocre at the game (ie if you were even past Gold you needed it) then you have a core problem with your design. Nobody even tried to argue it was good design so keeping it is off the table.

True, might be a bit excessive for a hero that rarely even has a weapon out at all. Not quite the same as Tracer, where its a kill or be killed situation.

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a revert back to what she was prior to the two latest imo-character-gutting nerfs would imo fix her

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OW1 Mercy was barely viable even with superjump. Removing it will just be a kick in the teeth to all Mercy players and drive even more people away.

If they removed superjump, she’d need 80+ heals per second to compensate for it, and a buff to damage boost on top of that

Stop trying to reduce heros hp it dont change the problems people have


OW1 mercy should always have superjump. just revert mercy back to how she was right before OW2 released. so let’s say season 30 of competitive.

superjump wasn’t broken, it took skill, so did all her techs. this version of GA made her mobility busted which is why it’s being nerfed so much. superjump shouldn’t be base kit. if new mercy players don’t know about superjump back then then thats on them. there’s multiple places to look at that showcases it. infact, let’s list them;

  • the forums
  • reddit
  • the workshop
  • twitter
  • youtube
  • google

she was plenty viable girl, and you can’t decide whether she’d be weak or not with her ow1 movement in the current 5v5 format because of 2 things

  • the switch to 5v5 from 6v6
  • every hero being changed