Would 175HP Mercy and some reverts "fix" her?

As I was watching a streamer today, they had a bunch of suggestions to revert GA back to S2 as well as nerf her damage boost but leave Mercy with 175HP.

I think any nerf to her HP is a terrible idea but I’ve seen it suggested a lot. I just don’t want the devs to seriously think that’s a viable option, considering they listened to this streamer about GA in OW2.

What do you think though? Could it be viable?

No thanks


Yes it could be viable, Mercy can be extremely slippery with her earlier movement, so even GMs with very good aim had extreme problems to hit and even kill her. 175 would be a good compromise.
However, it would certainly do a lot of harm to Mercy in the lower ranks, since people there don’t know how to move (although the opponents can’t aim very well either).

It would restore the core of mercy, what makes her fun to play, at the cost of a slightly higher skill ceiling and a significantly increased skill floor. which is actually not that bad for a competitive game.

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Why not just bring back OW1 Mercy? That fixes things too.


In the event of a GA revert, I think the 200 vs 175 hp viability argument would entirely depend on if Mercy kept her in-combat healing or not. No in-combat healing means 200 hp for sure. 175 would definitely require in-combat heals. Tracer is allowed both the potential to one-clip people and have crazy mobility due to her low hp pool, but even she has a self-heal because she’d be too fragile otherwise.

Does this streamer start with a ‘Ski’ and end with an ‘esti’? :laughing:

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I don’t know. Though I’m giddy at the thought, she’d probably end up pure flanker food. Especially to Sombra.

If she gets reverts and fixes to her kit with some tunning maybe, anything but her current state tbh, at this point just give us back her OW1 state.

If they were to bring back OW1 Mercy it would be without the Superjump bug. If that is your ideal Mercy then sure that could work but I think it sounds terrible.

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175 without a consistent means to heal herself would suck

Honestly, I would be kinda more okay with how her GA worked now if it took into account how far you actually went

Like, if I’m pocketing someone off a ledge and do a quick ga from 5 feet away and superjump less than a foot up to make it over the edge, that shouldn’t put it on a 3 second cd. I barely moved. But if I use GA to book it across the entire battlefield, I think a 2.5 or 3 second cd wouldn’t suck as much

Where exactly is this 175 health idea and talk coming from?? It sounds absolutely terrible for Mercy. Omg


Nerf Mercy’s damage boost by quite a bit and revert her mobility changes, that’s all she needs. Her healing is fine and her mobility is what makes her fun. No one cares about damage boost besides pocket duos and no one cares about what pocket duos think to be honest.

Honestly, it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to make all hyper mobile squishies 150-175HP. Let them keep the fun movement, but there should be some downside to it, especially when OW2 has removed most of the counters to it.


Unironically, I’d like to see this tried out in Experimental. Trade hp for small buffs and such on certain squishies. Pretty sure the Genji mains would have an aneurysm for getting dropped to 175 even if they got damage buffs in return tho. :rofl:

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They could just revert Mercy all the way back to how she was in OW1.

Plain and simple. Good Mercy will still be able to move how she is now, while bad Mercy will have to learn the mechanics of the OG GA.

If we were to do 175hp Mercy, then she needs to be reverted back to how she was back in Seasons 1-2. Get rid of the new passive, get rid of the ridiculous 3-second cooldown on GA, and just a full revert back to seasons 1-2.

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No, not necessarily. It would be exactly how she was back in OW1, with the “bug”. Right now the devs are trying to make this “bug” easily accessible to all the players, meaning making it easier for people who are not familiar with this tech, to become familiar with and have it easier to perform.

What people fail to realize is that you were always able to perform this super jump mechanic, as long as you have a teammate who is at a higher elevation than you. When she crouches and GA, the Mercy is being put at a lower elevation by the teammate that she is GA too.

For those who did not know how to crouch GA, the person could still perform an SJ if they have the ally jump slightly while Mercy looks up and GA + slingshot, which will equal vertical movement opposed to horizontal movement.

There are a lot better ways to lower Mercy’s survival than just a flat HP nerf.

For example,

Best option: Go back to OW1 GA.

Decent option: Go back to S1 GA plus 175 HP.

Worst option: Whatever the fork Blizz did.

I was wondering when you’d pop in, Grey! Always got interesting angles to tackle a problem from. A hitbox increase - during Valk especially - would be a good nerf to exchange for buffs imo. The fiery part of her Valk wings sure do look misleading!

I want blizzard to decide which version of mercy they want, then STOP CHANGING HER EVERY PATCH

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Not my cup of tea.

She might be slippery, but it’s because she can still take a hit or two. Knock her down to 175hp and she’d melt to any focus fire like she wasn’t even there.

Her survivability “is” her thing. So shifting things around like her GA cooldown, HP, making her hitbox larger, etc., just make her worse to play, and don’t really address the things some camps really don’t like (damage boost).

So IMHO, people just need to focus on that one thing, and come up with solutions for that. Otherwise the arrow just keeps pointing all over the place, and never lands where anyone wants.

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