Worst Teammates Are?

i was in a game full of tweens, and the entire time they were talking about vans (the shoe) it was…weird they also sucked prolly had something to do with their shoes.

the ones who stand still and get themselves killed during a critical team fight while they rail out the team in text chat for being “bad”


Overall bastion players who switch to bastion either at the end of the game when we need stall characters beginning of the game when we play dive or just randomly bastion not understanding how much help bastion needs to get use


Those who type “Ha, ha. Easy (or Ez)!” after we barely won or with sheer luck. :man_facepalming: :unamused:


Edit: The teammate who writes “We are going to lose.” even before the match starts. :face_vomiting: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


genji’s who play into winstons, mei, sym, zarya

in other words people who are consistently feeding and getting hard countered because they are OTP’s and completely arrogant and too stubborn to switch. I would like to use different words but trying to be…respectful

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5 stacks, just had a game with one and I got blamed cause they couldn’t 4v1 a sigma while I was dead. Priceless.

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That’s because they’ve spent so many hours playing poorly that they don’t know how to do anything else and it’s a lot of effort to unlearn that behavior


I switch from rein to Winston and they suddenly blame me. I switched because my team was getting wrecked by genji.

Ah, the dreaded duo with support that only heals their partner. Hasn’t happened all that often to me but it’s irritating when it does.

One time I was playing DPS, and we won the team fight 2nd point attack on Route 66. No enemies around. Mercy and other DPS were duo’ed. Mercy was closest to me so I asked her for healing since Ana had ult but she didn’t yet. Didn’t heal. I tried getting in front of her and using the voice line. Nothing.

Thankfully Ana saw my feeble attempt at getting healing from Mercy and passed a couple shots my way, haha.

Maybe the Mercy was taking a bite of their food and was AFK, idk.

The tilted, salty tank player who insta-queued into the next game.

Because tank queues are so fast sometimes there isn’t even a chance to cancel before it finds another game, if you requeue out of habit.

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