Worst piece of pile I have watched go down the drain

No one wanted 5v5, we wanted PVE. 6v6 was so much fun and competitive.
No one wanted these new game modes, nor the horrendous maps they came with. They are way too huge and need some sort of line or direction.
Spawns are so for almost every map. Defense spawns 200+ meters away from their objective and offense spawns right in front of it.
We all want crazy reworks on heroes, but we are never delivered them. Maybe make it so Junker Queen can use her axe to slice through shields. Give Rein a small mini shield on his back, and his charge should do fire damage. Maybe give Lucio a shoulder check or shoulder smash type move where he uses his speed to build up momentum damage. Make Symettra’s teleporter give shields, Give Monkey a grab/throw since he’s a freaking monkey. Make Sigma’s ult change where the longer he holds enemies in the air, the more damage it will do. His ult sucks as is. For Pete’s sake give Bastion his ult back, holy. Maybe give Genji a smoke bomb or a poison dart since he’s a ninja. Orisa’s javelin should pin enemies to walls for a couple of seconds. Hanzo’s arrows should pierce through shields, the tips already do, so it should do some chip damage. Widow should be able to see enemy traps through her scope, she’s a world-class assassin after all. Sombra should be able to hack allies to give them a speed boost or a damage boost. Maybe make it so Life Weaver can pull enemies. Maybe give Mcree 8 shots, keeping the same damage though. Maybe make Moira’s damage pull enemies into her.
Every competitive game I get comes with a terrible player who throws for my team. Even though I do the best in the lobby, cuz I lost I lose -60% on my rank. How much for insane games that I win? 1%.
I used to play this game with my older brother years ago. I would not play this stink pile with him.
Any of these reworks you see in the game I want credit for.

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Buy the battle pass and eat your grule.

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The way the attack-and-defend maps are designed is for the attackers to have the spawn advantage early to reduce the likelihood of full holds, then have that shift throughout the match to eventually favor the defenders for that final struggle. That, and just play ranked where each side gets a turn.

Play Mirrorwatch, and realize 5v5 can be fun with the right balance.