Workshop Projectiles?

Workshop isn’t dead? They’re adding new features?

Someone pinch me. I must be dreaming.


Pinch me too, unbelievable. Thanks Blizzard. Whats missing now is resolving some QoL issues, bugs, adding Spline functionalities, let us access metadata of Hero created objects like Turrets(their position in world etc. like we can obtain of Players, call it Event Object), manipulate the Firerate, a statemachine engine on top of the workshop and… i might hinch and cling almost out of the window, but let us rotate heroes like the head upside down or the camera at least.


It’s cool but if they didn’t fix the broken Communication and Max Ammo bugs, I’ll find it hard to be excited.


For sake’s workflow yes please.


Tinkering with them atm. They’re pretty awesome!

It seems like exploding projectiles are bugged right now. The explosions do like 10x the damage of direct hits.

EDIT: Nevermind I misunderstood the info text

After a long time, finally we had new features to workshop.

Is that similar to this? Do you know what is wrong with them with regards to damage and how to adjust it? Example:

Amount = 50
Amount Scalar = 1
Explosion Radius = 1
Result is Damage is always 50

Amount = 50
Amount Scalar = 10
Explosion Radius = 1
Direct damage result is a random value from 200 to 500 no matter from where I hit the target

I assumed the edge of the explosion would do 10 damage “at the edge of the explosion” so a range of 50 to 10 (or like 50+10 explosion damage like most heroes in game). But it seems to instead mean a range starting from the direct explosion? Like if amount is at 50 and scalar of 2, then results in 100(50x2)~50. But I’m confused why directs are a random lower value.

Also, the characters getting hit by splash damage don’t seem to trigger the “taken damage” rule either if it’s not a direct hit from the player I guess but thats another issue.

It turns out that amount scalar also functions as a scalar for explosion edge damage, meaning a scalar of 10 would cause the 50 damage projectile to deal 500 damage at max radius. The solution is to use a decimal value for the amount scalar.

As for why directs are dealing varying damage, I assume it’s because the damage is being calculated as the distance from the projectile position to the player position, so the damage dealt would depend on which part of the player model you hit.

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Just now messing with the projectiles; I like the typo for projectile type: ORISSA FUSION DRIVER. It’s the little things :heart:


Hope they extend the option of visualization of projectiles soon, somehow not all hero specific projectiles are in the rooster, for example Hanzo Arrows are missing.