Workshop: How to Make Events Involving Damage Ongoing

Background on game: I’ve been working on a game in the workshop one team is one killer, and the other is made of six survivors

Idea: The killer hits one of the survivors then they get a boost in opposite direction

Issue: I made a rule where the Event is Player Took Damage, Team 2
The action is then apply impulse in opposite direction (Facing Direction of Killer)
This action works although this only happens once and never happens again unless the game is restarted. I tried many different things but I can’t figure out how to get it to repeat this action when they take damage again.

Sorry that it will not allow me to reply to messages, but yes it does work and I believe the problem was that the impulse was too small to notice
Thank you!

Did you check in the inspector if the rule is not running? If so, did you make sure that Team 2 is the correct team?
I just recreated the exact code and it works fine. Last thing I can think of and this only applies if the inspector shows that the rule does run, is that the impulse speed is too low and you don’t notice it.

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Could I see the Rule/Conditions? I may be able to help.

This worked great. I believe it was that it was too small to notice.