Wondering why McCree's Sherlock flavor text was removed

Not a huge deal, but the Sherlock skin for McCree used to come with flavor text from a Sherlock novel. Now, the skin is still there (which of course is the important thing) but the quote is gone.

It was a good quote. :frowning:

Does anybody know why it was removed? My first guess would be some sort of copyright issue, but Sherlock novels are OLD and should have passed out of copyright by now.

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Yeah i liked that little special bit, Sherlock was the only legendary mcree skin i didn’t have and it took over 90 lootboxes to get. So i would’ve liked it to keep the quote.

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Oh yeah. All of those tidbit was removed.
I think it was accident.

Every lore bit, every Reaper edgy jokes, everything was removed. Probably by accident.


It’s a bug, Michael Chu said:


every Reaper edgy jokes,

Never forget. Never forgive.


Thank you, that’s what I needed to know.

Thanks a bunch, guys!


What was it? I don’t recall hearing it. I rarely see McCree players in that skin.

Something about him being in decay while idle, but if he got some exceedingly complex puzzle to solve, (I think the word was “cryptograph,”) then he is in his element.

It was better wording than this, but I definitely remember this stuff from Sherlock Holmes. He was completely annihilated unless he was busy, preferably with stuff that tested his intellect.

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The lore text on some skins.
On the Sherlock skin, there is a Sherlock Holmes type tidbit.