Wondering if we reverted valk

like replace her ult voiceline with “i will watch over you” and “gemeinsam kämpfen wir” and have valkyrie last 20s, GA has a 50% speed increase(kekw), but have no resurrect bonus’s or hps bonus’s (basically providing no short cooldowns for rez and have her hps stay at 55)

(also please know that i’m not saying she needs all this i’m just curious what would happen)

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Idk I find it funny because a lot of mercy players were asking for mercys old ult voiceline back specifically bc it sounded better after the initial rework. I doubt they’ll change it again, though I did like the old one better, but I bet we’d get bored of the voiceline and want the current one back lol

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it’s mainly because it sounds better + it’s more realistic because

  • she’s flying over her teammates, following and watching over them
  • resurrect is on E, so it makes sense that heroes never die since she resurrected them

but it made sense with mercy 1.0 because

  • her ultimate resurrected anyone in a 15m radius, thus making heroes never die
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We add in rez and make the voice line: ‘YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE!’ Then the James Bond music could play for the duration of Valk.

That would make her at least 50% more playable. Scientifically.

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I think I prefer the OG voice line even if it’s not really as appropriate anymore… “I will watch over you” always sounded a bit too long for an ult voice line to me.

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i’m pretty sure zaryas ult is longer then that one

imo i’d rather have it be a option where you can toggle whether if you want the OG one or the 2.0 one

I really want “I will watch over you” back. It sounded so great when spoken by the enemy Mercy. I wish they would at least equip a skin with the voiceline itself.

We have ult voicelines like my servants never die, onwards to victory, heroes never die for a price, etc. So why waste an ult voiceline that was apparently good enough to ship with Mercy 2.0.

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i’d like this one better