With all the drama happening on the forums about the PTR notes

I just want to put my opinions on this stuff.

Alright! From the top!

A nerf to Hanzo was asked by a lot of people. Overall this lessens his potential in short range unless he gets a headshot. There’s not that many reasons to be against this because Hanzo is suppose to be a sniper. Keyword is suppose.

Very weird, if they increase his movement speed, that would be worse than this because of his chase potential. He can very well die if he gets dove on and doesn’t have flashbang ready, specifically by tanks. The time to kill him as a flanker will change, but that doesn’t mean that McCrees will get better.
In fact…

His fire rate got reverted! He can’t deal with tanks as he can now. This is to compensate for the two changes he got because added HP means you gotta lose something. This makes McCrees take time on their shots more, which was the point of his six round revolver.

A QoL change that’s going to do something.

It’s now low-key trash. It works, way weaker though.

She loses out on 300 total damage with this which is about a 18.2% decrease. I think 10 would be nice, a cool middle ground.

Do you know how this can even affect you? You’d have to rely on the dang thing to survive to affect you at all. This is nothing for defending and a bit of something for attacking. You don’t need to use fortify 24/7.

Hey, people stay in the air less. It’s like when Doomfist got nerfed because everyone got air control during uppercut.

Man, this is actually going to save people’s lives.

A high reward ultimate got a high risk drawback. You can cancel the “C9 Flux” and I think everyone who had that happen to them will appreciate this. You have every right to be mad about this if you don’t like it.

Now he can’t combo a 200 HP hero to death. It was like a new generation hook combo. We know how much people hated that before it got nerfed… You can still get one-shot by hook combo if done right.

Remember when everyone said that he’s a better Soldier: 76? Yeah. Still kind of is, just slower.

Welcome to Overwatch, where healing is somehow broken. Seriously, healing is very strong. I had duels where I lost literally because they got healed at the last moment. This is different for everyone.