Winston's Mythic Has to be Pimpston

There is no other option, Winston’s Mythic skin has be based off the “Pimpston” cosplay from Blizzcon.

I saw the Pimpston cosplay and absolutely love the idea. It will be the best skin in the game for me.


This is a easily reportable post…I used to make roadhog hook jokes and people found it inappropiate because i added a er to what roadhog has

I could see them doing a royalty theme that’s effectively this but a company with Blizz’s history isn’t going to touch the word ‘pimp’ with a 100 foot pole

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Only if when he ults his hands are now open with slap sound effects and his voice over asking “where’s my money”

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I believe you, yet if they can say “Pimp” at Blizzcon in front of hundreds of people, I am sure this is alright. Plus I am referring to the cosplay specifically which is Blizzard related still.

However if I do get reported I will edit the post.

I haven’t laughed this hard in a while :joy: :joy: :joy: That would be pretty inappropriate in-game to consider a character pimping out other female heroes,

but my god that costume is GOLD


The only thing i can consider to have this skin should be roadhog because of the hook he has adding two more letters at the end of hook thats why it make sense.

Roadhog is not a bad choice, but no one can slap people around like Winston can.

I’m going to vote yes - and pretty sure everyone appreciates the good natured joke - especially if you are old enough to have seen the movie I’m gonna git you Sucka -

Lol. Way too inappropriate for OW though, know what im saying? Dont people that go to blizzcon have to provide their blizz id too? Pimpston was probably later banned after the event, know what im saying?

Bro, that Winton be drippin’