Winrate isnt Forced 50%

Started G5-G1 all roles now I’m D2-D5 with above 60% winrate on all characters

With a 70% winrate on nearly all of my dps characters (With the exception of few picks I was forced into.)

60%+ winrate on all my Main tank characters including Winston, Rein, Doomfist, Sigma (Never played Orisa/Ball) and Surprisingly is my lowest winrate tank but I’m assuming thats because teamates in my rank dont know how to play with

Supports every single support ive played in comp 63% winrate and above.


The only possible situation I could see winrate being forced.

Is if you’re a onetrick Tracer or something and the Enemy goes torbjorn and your teammates never break the turret or something mindboggling like that and it keeps happening every game since (Torb is a popular pick in low ranks.)

(In OW1 it felt more frustrating since you had to win way more games to rank up but that isnt the case anymore you can win 7 in a row and just go from Gold to Plat in 7 games.)


The winrate isn’t forced, people just like to make excuses for their poor decision making


YES IT IS. Go ahead and defend one-sided games and tell me they are normal. There’s a huge difference in quality when it comes to certain teams.

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Hard to tell because it’s a teambased game and in every teambase game I always have the issue with matchmaking that puts someone who shouldn’t belong in the rank in my match or which was admitted like in OW1.

That people who are on losing streaks get put with people on winning streaks to “help break it” aka help drag us down x-x

Kabaji started in Plat in OW2 and got to GM in a few games if it was forced 50% how did he rank up so quickly?

How did I rank up from Gold 5 to Diamond 3 in 30 games with above 60% winrate

This literally proves winrate cannot be forced 50% unless you’re in your real rank in which case it will be 50/50% because you’re as good as the enemy so its like a coin toss


You do not see the self defeating argument? It is right there.

The real issue that obscures the truth is that everyone fixates on the word forced. It is not productive, there is a 50/50 influence. And no, a coin toss is not balanced matchmaking, Cyro.

I don’t care about you or some internet celebrity something is not right.

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I don’t care one way or another about the point you are making but let’s address the way you are doing it.

A personal anecdote, or the second hand anecdote of others is NOT ‘literal’ proof.

It proves nothing on its own.

You need to gather data from hundreds of players across every rank, region, time zone, and platform. You must perform tests under certain controlled conditions. You must repeat these tests multiple times until you get the same result repeatedly. Only then do you have proof.

Right now your entire post boils down to “look at me I climbed so that means I’m right”

And I’m not saying you are or you aren’t but that’s not how proving it works.


If you’re the same skill as your opponent your winrate will always be 50% since they’re as good as you.

So that 50/50 is essentially are you better than them? If you’re your winrate will go up if you aren’t it will go down.
If its 50% it means some games you’re slightly better than opponents and some games you’re slightly worse.

So basically theres no 50/50 unless you’re in the correct rank in which case that means matchmakers working. If you had a higher than 50% winrate in your own rank that would mean you’re supposed to rank up the matchmaker wouldn’t work if it didnt put you in 50/50% winrate in your own rank.

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Yes, I understand the logic. It is just a bit remedial. It lacks nuance.

It does not matter, fam. I will enjoy my free wins that I got from the coin flip against equally skilled opponents that I effortlessly thrash. Do not mind me.

Yeah but if you didnt go against equally skilled opponents and it wasn’t 50/50% that means you/them would have to rank down or up.

Would you rather have a 20% winrate against players in your own rank because the ranking system doesnt place players correctly? (Which is the “smurf” problem people complain about where it takes people a while to get to their real rank.)

They aren’t “free wins”/losses it means someone on your team or you was slightly better or worse than their teams players.

Just gonna leave this here;

Matchmaker is rigged - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

Do you think blizzard patented these just to make people start conspiracies?

According to Blizzard’s latest blog post on the state of the game, the current Overwatch 2 win rates for every hero is between 45% and 55% .

That’s from Blizzard themselves…

There’s no way that EVERY HERO has that win rate…

Some characters are OBJECTIVELY more bad than others…

The only way that is possible is if it something behind the scenes

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It’s obviously not, but then again, the algorithm tries to do it. It just can’t calculate the players individual performance in the game and therefore, if you are constantly good, you will be above 50% until you hit your skill ceiling and get matched with others your skill level. It should always hover around 50 then.

Oh, yes, absolutely. They were much better. So much better that I could win as melee only Zenyatta because the matchmaking is really fair and balanced. I certainly agree with that. Our team is just better!

If this game was 1 vs 1 then skill based matchmaking would make sense. There is no “climbing” or any of that nonsense. It all comes down to

“Does your team work together and pick heroes that are a winning combo?” or

“Does your team ignore teamwork and rush in the die over and over again with worthless free kill heroes”.

In what way would someone be responsible for the other 4 players unless you could also control their minds?

I don’t have evidence for 50% forced winrate but I do admit it does feel a bit fishy that e.g people have reported to experience 5 wins and then suddenly 5 losses. If the matchmaker simply puts you against better player after every success and in result we lose when we play against better players then it should be win, lose, win, lose, win and lose (provided we are never improving and alway lose whenever we climb) right? Not series of wins and then series of losses.

This I can’t wrap my head around and I would love someone’s input on this.

  1. Could be badluck. (If you flip a coin 6 times although it might be 50/50 sometimes it wont be you could get 4 heads and 2 tails.)

  2. After your elo increases and you go against better players you lose and decrease because you aren’t as good as the new players you’re matching against.

  1. Even if you improve the community might be improving at a similar or faster rate e.g (In 2016 GM was as good as probably like Diamond in 2021.)

So maybe the players you’re going against are getting better quicker than you’re.

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Explain why any masters+ player can easily climb on any diamond or below account with 70%+ winrates. See: Smurfs and boosts.

Nothing is forcing you to lose. It’s just you not being good enough to win more than 50% of your matches at your current rank. There really isn’t anything more to it than lots of players refusing to accept that in order to protect their own ego.

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I get you I thought the same way until I encountered that 50/50 rigged mm myself. It was in ow1 and it still is present in ow2

You see, a true coin toss would suggest you get say a 1-0-0-1-1-0-1-1-0-1, but what people actually are getting, myself included, is 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0. Do you get now what people are complaining about? It’s clearly rigged in some way or the other.

What I think is happening is matchmaker falsely detecting a “smurf” and trying to boost him out of the lower ranks and vice versa.

There’s literally no way to fix that anomaly, since overwatch has different heroes with different skill caps. A person decides to play cree and boost himself up for 10 games, then suddenly he switches to 76 and deranks for 10 games straight blaming others.

So you have this type of players, then you have babies who cry here to deal with smurfs, then there’s people who have low mental capacity and just start throw games for no reason and it all eventually forms into a equation that matchmaker is trying to balance artificially to make everyone happy and a rigged anomaly happens.

Elo will only work in 1v1 scenario period. Not a team vs team with ten different elo ranks. People just too stupid to think it through.

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