Win Streaks / Loss Streaks

They are just too common, you will go on a streak of wins and then suddenly all the work you have done is undone and you get massive loss streak. You log in the next day or next session and it goes back the other way.

Its like you can predict when you will start to queue and just have no hope in winning the games and you are just plunged into a loss streak… you play and play and just lose.

You log back in and then you streak wins… infact I have games where I have left, come back and have had very little to do and you just win.

Manipulation at its finest or some of the worst competitive matchmaking I’ve ever seen.

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Win more = go against better players

Can’t compete against better players = lose more

Sounds like matchmaking is working fine to me :man_shrugging:t5:

except its not quite that simple
Even in arcade mode

  1. 7 to 3; the first match in even something as simple as TDM will be a loss
  2. match after match after mach will be a loss.
  3. one win = at least 5 more losses.

and most of the time? I’m put up against stacks in almost every match.
We’ve repeatedly asked them to stop letting stacks go up against randos and now they just do it only in comp.
Like cmon…what is so freakin difficult about this?