Willing to bet $200 the devs don't touch Mei again for 6+ months

Yeah Mei seems to be such a low priority for Blizzard generally.

She needs her ult buffed (increase freeze speed).

She needs her wall to be wider so it’s useful in more map situations, and with a consistent 5 second cooldown no matter how fast it breaks.


Gonna bookmark this thread in the name of charity. :money_with_wings:


I just want Cryo Freeze to be faster like come on .-. peeps just camp you all day. Shouldn’t have to use my entire kit just to heal 150 hp. Not to mention the long cooldowns for said kit. Make Cyro-freeze like it was in the Yeti mini-game. Also give Mei’s ult faster activation. It already has a huge cast time, distance time and then activation time yet Zarya’s is instant. I know her’s takes longer to charge but at least you can escape the Blizzard.


Jeff already stated that he isn’t planning to make all the heros viable in a recent developer YT video.

So yea, you’ll probably win that bet.

Does it matter that she is chubby though? Her being so is one of the best features about her as it makes her cute and gives off a “cuddly” feeling of sorts. Like hugging a teddybear.


This isn’t a bug ,this is a latency issue and happens to other defensive abilities as well ,can’t count how many times bullets went through deflect even though I saw a brief visual indicator it activated

haven’t hugged anyone in my life

replace Mei with Mercy and you got a deal.


Adorable, but wrong. People are so scared to move defense heroes out of the dumpster

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Neither have I. But that is only a question of time for me really.

And I take it op = actually on the same level of competence as the rest of the cast


Her “niche” is disrupting disorganized teams. Which she excels at. Problem is, she gets shut down simply by enemy being good.

you might want to send me your mail?

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While you may not be happy with the final product, they just spent the best part of the last 6 months on Mercy… I think you’ve had your fair share of attention.

Mei, on the other hand, hadn’t seen any changes at all for over 14 months, spent those 14 months in the F-Tier with a negative winrate and sub 1% pickrate, and we were then told she was getting looked at only to be given 2 of the most useless and low effort “buffs” to ever be conceived.


Lmao you wouldn’t hold up your end of the deal anyways

I’m still here, and happy to do it with photo-proof, but like I said, there is almost a 0% chance that I’ll have to part with the money.

I won’t try and weasel out of it either if it’s something minor… at least it would still be something to show they are actually interested in still looking into her, which they failed to show for the last 14 months.

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I’ll hold you up to that then

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The problem with Mei, just like with Bastion, Sym, Doomfist, Sombra and Torb, is the general design of the character.

All these characters would be way too powerful and oppresive in the right hands if they were to be buffed too much one day.

Just look at Sombra, she was buffed in a wrong way, took only what, 2 weeks for her to be nerfed because she was too oppresive, unfun to play against and no real counter play.

Some design ideas like freezing people may sound fun on paper but in reality it’s a mine field to balance.

yeah like any maps with tight chokes where mei is useful junkrat is way better


If you’ve ever read the Mei-ga thread, or seen some of the other posts that gained some traction, you’d see a large chunk of Mei mains advocating for the removal of freeze altogether in order to give her proper buffs to help her viability.

Mei only has the potential to be “oppressive” because the devs haven’t shown any interest in making meaningful changes that balance her.

They are about to do an extensive rework on Symmetra that will require, as Jeff put it, new animation and voicework… why does Mei get shafted? where is Mei’s rework?

Mei is also one of the only F-Tier heroes that doesn’t find herself more effective on different platforms. Both Torb and Symm fair better on consoles than they do on PC.

Bastion does have a defined niche, it’s very limited, but can and has been used to great effect, he could use some work to make him a better all-rounder but the devs seem to like the niche hero thing.

Mei on the other hand doesn’t really have a defined niche, she doesn’t perform what her niche should be with any effectiveness, and she basically does not have a spot in this game.

I’m happy for Mei to be a niche pick, but when you want a disruptor/team splitter you pick Sombra or Hog, if you want area denial you pick D.Va, Zarya, or Junkrat, and if you want damage and elims you pick literally every other DPS hero or one of the many tanks and supports that have better average stats than Mei does.

Mei needs actual attention. She needs her niche properly defined, and she needs buffs to her utility so that she is better than at least 1 other hero in any kind of role, no matter how niche that role is.