Will Visor.gg be banned?

It doesn’t just give you feedback, it tracks ults and opposing team positions to give you “tips” on how to leverage them. It essentially replaces the need to develop competent game sense skills, and in Overwatch developing game sense and decision making is as essential a skill set as mechanical skills, such as aim. An app that will aim for you is obviously a cheat, how is an app that tracks enemy ults and tells you what decisions to make not a cheat?

Hate to break it to you, but “developing” game senses on your own is out of the window when everyone can go to Twitch, or Youtube and mirror streamers which is like going straight to an answer book instead of learning on your own.

Learning how to do things on your own from observing people is fine. Being told what decisions to make in real time by an automated program, effectively bypassing the need for you to actually learn anything at all, is not.

If it’s not offering you a computer assisted advantage, why are you defending your need to use it? But go on, keep using it and defending it. I would remortgage my house to bet that Blizzard will ban Visor within the next couple weeks.

people will have no way to know if you are using this program because it really only tells you information you can already see on your screen

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I will begrudgingly be ok with it if Blizzard chooses to endorse it, if it is made available to everyone as an optional download with Overwatch. I hope this is not the way they go with it. I could see these tips and pop-ups appear in QP and against AI for practice, but in competitive games add-ons that circumvent individual performance are against what competition is about.

However, as of now nothing suggests anything of the sort. On the contrary, in fact. Unless something changes this line of arguments is a chain of what-ifs.

I have never used visor myself. I’ve only watched videos, read topics, and read through their website, and I don’t consider it cheating. It doesn’t use any information that anyone else in the match wouldn’t have. It tracks your screen, abilities and killfeed. It doesn’t dig into the game memory or tinker with anything.

Now, while many consider it as a cheat, it most likely won’t get banned anytime soon, because it’s near impossible to detect without also banning stuff like discord overlay and obs.

Visor has also spoken about it being cheating in discord;

“@LuciferHawk regarding blizz
we are actually in contact with blizzard so we aren’t worried about it being a cheat. Obviously it won’t be used in official tournaments (OWL, etc. haha) but Visor doesn’t use anything you can’t see yourself and never modifies, or touches memory
It may be helping you improve and have more fun! (comparing your real-time performance vs. your averages, or sending you alerts), but those are enhancing the game experience vs. detracting” -Visor developer in discord

https ://i. imgur. com/2t6QJ2j .png (remove all spaces for link to work)

Now to quote u/Vanathor from reddit, from who I found all of this,

“Here it is from Visor’s end of things. Obviously its possible they are lying, but given they are a multi-million dollar company with significant capital investment from silicon valley VCs they would be fcking stupid to lie about it given the consequences what with them having outside investment.”

Is this really different from add ons in WoW for instance?

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Visor gives you advice that replaces team communication.

This is not a cheat. It isn’t tracking Ults in real time. It is estimating Ults based on time. The after match data, especially the team fight timeline is very helpful information. Medals/Cards aren’t a good way to know how you really performed. This data is helpful to those who really want to get better without paying $20 an hour on a coach. This data is nothing that twitch mods in WoW aren’t doing every day. Also, this isn’t some shady hacking group selling bots on shady sites. These guys aren’t hiding and they claim to be working with publishers and since OW is the only compatible game, one can assume they worked with Blizz on this. I guess we’ll see, but I hope Blizz does the right thing. This is only going to prompt me to play even more than I already do. If it helps me get from Gold to plat, I will report back.

Well you life dangerouse and you are way to late to talk about it because its confirmed to not be not allowed and that it is Cheating.

So be carefull.

Actually it hasn’t. Customer support has stated it both ways (even in that thread you linked). So that thread is invalid.

Until Blizz releases an official response, it is not confirmed to be cheating.

And the fact that they still haven’t says a lot …

I hope it is banned.

It is they officaly said they dissaprove it but its out of there hand till Sony and Microsoft make it bammable on consoles.

Link please…

Hopefully not.

I don’t consider this app to be cheating because it doesn’t make additional information available that wouldn’t otherwise be there, and the player still has to be smart enough to know how to capitalize on the information presented. “According to averages collected by third-party websites and programs, Reaper likely has his ultimate.” Well, what does that mean? Have an eye on him, keep certain cooldowns like Flashbang and Shield Bash available, and be quick enough to stun him as soon as the ult begins. The player skill aspects are all still there, and the app doesn’t change that by playing for you.

To those claiming that keeping track of enemy ultimates is an “earned” skill, there are people who are simply biologically better at it, with photographic memories and very accurate internal clocks that can notice this stuff and keep track of it, while others can train forever and still never be as good at it if their brains aren’t wired that way. If that’s not an unfair advantage, I don’t know what is. This app just levels the playing field.

I just read through the post you linked and it’s far from clear. Customer Service has provided 3 different responses to different people even within that thread.

  1. a generic “we do not allow third-party programs”
  2. an unclear “We do not allow third-party programs that alter the game files or play the game for you”
  3. a straight forward “yes, it’s allowed.”

which one is the correct answer?

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Look at it this way … Visor uses screen reader to do it’s thing. If you make your own screen reader, it will eventually be locked[if you share with others, it would be locked in matter of hours] … but Visor still works. Meaning someone must have whitelisted it … or it would be unusable, people are using it for months now.

it seems visor is banned because it would not let me open overwatch saying there is no third party system and i deleted visor but it still denies me going into the game so any ideas?

Hello fellow Necromancer… (sorry but you bumped a one-month old post)

The latest patch does now detect Visor and Pursuit and will shut down Overwatch. You must have these applications completely uninstalled off your system (and make sure you delete any residual files in the Program Files and ProgramData folder on Windows). Please check out this announcement post from Community Manager Tom Powers for further details: