Will they ever clean up this mess?

I can make an argument for both sides of this. Playing against players of your own skill requires that you continuously dig deeper into your own untapped potential to win the game.

However… There are certain scenarios where the level to which you must dig is not available to you because you haven’t learned from the previous short-comings or you don’t learn fast enough to react to the (smurf) better player.

At some point though, it becomes less and less impressive to see smurfs playing (when you hit say mid-diamond) because at that point, their individual contribution (while still very powerful) can be counteracted because of consistent teamwork.

Welcome to the wonderful world of smurfs, throwers and trolls. Pretty much everyone (especially who plays Overwatch and Valorant) are a bunch of snowflake, cry babies, with the softest of ego’s.

Everyone wants to feel empowered in some way or another and the ability to make you flustered because they’re throwing, makes them ever so happy. Its hard to get passed until like 3000 SR but thats kinda just how it is, unfortunately.

Ehhh… Not exactly. They help a person win competitive games, but on an individual level, self-study and learning help a person improve.

Whether thats spending time in an aim trainer until you miss 0/100 shots, or re-watching your replays to completely understand your positioning errors… THAT is improvement.

1,000,000% Agree!! A lot of GM players will talk a lot of smack about Diamond and Masters players (which is fine) but my experience (the EXACT second) I crossed into Diamond, teamwork, sportsmanship, communications, strategy, all increased 100 fold!!

Sure… There are some outliers here and there but far less compared to Gold or, OMFG Plat.

1,000,000% Agree!

I mean… Throwers aren’t throwing because they don’t want to play a team game. They’re throwing to get a rise out of someone, or to keep an account low. The End…

People in Overwatch who don’t want to work as a team are honestly “just bad” players.

Disclaimer: When high level players say “focus on your own gameplay,” they don’t mean play your own game and do your own thing, they mean focus on doing your job for your team.


Yeah… Low elo players are really frustrating to deal with. They think they know everything even though they’re plat bordered in Silver :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I have yet to met a silver player with more game sense than a platinum player.

You’re putting blame of a community issue on an inanimate object. The reason you need a group to climb in lower ranks is because you limit the potential for people to get frustrated and blame each other.

And more importantly, having everyone communicating, ESPECIALLY in Overwatch is actually imperative for success. Granted people will say this is untrue but thats because they’re generally not from your elo.

Sure I can… Overwatch is a very complicated game!! There are a lot of moving pieces between roles and heroes and the information alone is more than YOU could learn in a week of straight coaching.

I would say pretty much everyone in lower ranks (even in platinum) really just don’t have any idea what they’re talking about.

Well, you’d be thinking correct here at least…

Sure… But without an open profile, are you certain YOU can determine a legitimately good player (smurf), as opposed to someone who’s literally just having a good placement game on a fresh account (as they try to escape elo hell)?


I disagree that you disagree…

Mmm… No… Not always… A lot of smurfs are just messing around and just having fun getting gold damage, gold elims, gold objective kills, and purely dominating the enemy team.

What allows them to do this is their:

  1. Mechanics

This is because I have the consistency (hours aim training, in-game practice) that allow me to make those basic shots with ease.

  1. Game knowledge.
    My timing (game sense) allowing me to recognize an open area where the enemy team is incapable of contesting me

I can go into Silver/Gold/Plat games and just take excessively aggressive positions as Ashe/Hanzo/Widow/Cree and I’ll get 2 or 3 picks before the enemy team will even realize I’m there.

This is just bad advice. Or perhaps very poorly worded… A gambler is like the fisherman in that they both have beginners luck.

I tell everyone to make a concerted effort to always practice great positioning. Abusing the enemy widow’s bad mechanics will set you up to develop horrible habits.

10/10 would not recommend this advice unless your intent is to keep people in low elo for yourself…

Mmmm… I see the point and collusion between this sentence and the last one, but I just don’t think that’s the correct way to help players develop. You can coach how you see fit though…

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I agree, I think an unintended consequence to the game development was the issue seen within the lower ranks emphasized by the players inability to develop accountability and unwillingness to learn. When players make that leap and start taking accountability, then they’ll start to see improvement.