Will they delete Sombra for OW2 and be done with it?

As title says.

Sombra has sat at the bottom of the roster for sadly the entire length of this game. There’s never been a time where Sombra was remotely usable unless being played by the highest, top .01% of the elite pro playerbase (which basically means not usuable.) Blizzard obviously doesn’t care about her as she continues to sit and rot. Currently she has a pickrate of 0.42% and winrate of 45.50%. Only slightly higher than Bastion for the first time in ages.

The team obviously doesn’t care about her and says “she’s fine”, yet all the data says otherwise. Blizzard talks about numbers numbers numbers and data, yet when it screams in their face that "hero is busted’, there’s nothing done because it might disturb the precious and sacred OWL.

Will they just remove her from OW2 and be done with it? Just say “this hero was a giant mistake” and we can move on from having the illusion of a usable dps pick.

But I’m sure next patch they’ll increase her stealth movement speed by 5% and call it a “buff.”


I don’t think they will ever delete a hero. In Sombra case, unless we get new people responsible for balancing, Sombra won’t ever get a fair chance at being viable.


Not sure with the native games, but OW2 is supposed to be backwards compatible with OW. They’ll have to make Sombra assets for OW2.

Balancing? Don’t hold your breath. Just enjoy her as is now. They’re not going to balance her in a way that would allow her to carry games, so don’t play her to win, just play her for fun. If you can get good enough to win with her while you’re at it. Good for you. But that’s not what Sombra’s designed for, so don’t stress yourself out too much if you find it takes more effort to be decent at her than the other heroes, that’s just how it is.

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Which is why this game needs custom servers similar to TF2 more than ever.



I hope they do remove sombra, she’s in every game I play. She’s overpowered and has been for too long. Blizzard need to start balancing their games.


They said in the past they are open to removing heroes from the game.

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You serious, Clark??


I sure hope they would.

I mean whos idea was it to bring in a hero who disables hero abilitys in a game where it’s all about using hero abilities.

Shes never been balanced and she never will be. She will always feel incredibly weak or incredibly oppressive. I mean she was meta for what a week? And the entire forum was just hating on her non stop. It was Brig release level hate.

And even pros during interviews were saying how awful she is.

If you watch Sombra goats play, the Dvas job is to literally stand at the back of the team and shoot behind them hoping to get a bit of damage on an invisible hero. Or else the Rine would be hacked (and their really is nothing Rine can do about that) and then Rine can then do nothing whatsoever at all.

All the tanks apart from Wisnton cant even do their job if their hacked.

It’s just pure trash to play with and againts Sombra. Shes the reason why I hardly ever touch the tank role.


She’s fine and I can prove it

Remember goats? The pro scene used sombra, did her pickrate went up? No it didn’t
Sombra is fine, she’s just so hard to use nobody uses her
Also think on Bastion who has 0% pickrate in GM lol

100%. I’m sick of the being told ‘sombra is barely played’ when I see her in LITERALLY every game.


No way. She may end up being one of the more important characters in the lore.

Um, yes it did.

And the whole fourms, no joke was just filled with people hating Sombra.

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It was, but it’s been since forever.
Sombra is still playable, look up Bastion who has way more problems

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Sombra is way better then most think she’s just hard to play and coordinate with your teammates as well.

And if you go for Tanks you are Targeting the wrong targets anyways.

She is supposed to pick off enemy supports. Most of the time. And disable dangerous enemies for her team.

Don’t ever waste your time shooting shields or tanks.

Idk what game you’re playing, but it ain’t Overwatch


You’re being delusional. Sombra is in almost every game.

The people saying ‘silence mechanics don’t belong in overwatch !’ - i’ve seen ‘doesn’t belong in overwatch’ said about Pharah, Snipers, Mei, healers and more. I love Sombras hacking myself, it makes her unique and is fun to do.

Sombra was viable during GOATS meta and is still a capable pick in the right hands. No she is not a meta defining hero, but characters like Sombra that just stop you from playing the game should not be top meta picks. Back when she had her fast EMP and long hack duration Sombra was everywhere, she deserved those nerfs and is honestly still obnoxious to play against. So an Overwatch without Sombra would be ideal imo

I play a lot of sombra and Im ok with her not being playable
hack is a big tumor in this game, wish they could fix it

"She stops you playing the game’’ um so does being one shot by a sniper?