Will Sym be continued to be ignored to Beta 3?

Oh brig got banned….Soe’s cat became famous because of it

Nah I mean like, permanently disallowed in OWL.

Why did they throw away hundreds of millions of dollars on Brig?

I like sym, but i understand their hesitation.

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You’re going to have to elaborate cause I don’t recall any heroes being banned (unless a major glitch was involved)

Junk didn’t even get the buff he was supposed to. They literally forgot to buff him but said they did, I have 0 hope that if they do buff him he will actually get them.

When he’s being hard pocketed by the whole team who re highly coordinated. If you need Zarya’s 2 bubbles, lucio speed boost+ second support heal just to get value out of Reaper, how are us regular plebs who struggle to get a basic team comp together going to get value from him. Let-alone expecting all those resources.

Sombra yes she was a good rework. Bastion no. He is worse than OW1 Bastion functionally and from an enjoyment perspective. His ultimate is now useless unless combo’d with other heroes AND is significantly less enjoyable to use since we’ve gone from a skill shot ability that let you get into interesting locations to a lightning strike from black ops 2 which is just a point and click. They removed his self heal while forcing him into the configuration where he is bigger than a tank for 90% of his uptime so he needs to be babysat by his supports. His recon mode is more fun but it’s offset by having 0 self sustain and being the size of a tank with no more shields for cover. You just melt instantly.

That reminds me

Throw a cooldown reduction in there imo. 10s for that grenade is no bueno, as far as I’m concerned. I won’t even ask for the 6s that Helix is on, I’ll settle for trying 8s.

Will do, that’s horrible for such a wonky grenade

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I dont even know where to approach so much wrong.

There is no hesitation, its mostly 3 things that stop them from acknowledge why Sym is bad and solve it:

A. typical blizz '‘aLwAyA mOvE fOrWarD’ arrogance and unwillingness to admit mistakes (3.0 reworked failed).

B. they are severely undermanned and underfunded and overworked.

C. Sym as a hero that functions could counter mobility and corporate is too obsessed with ‘mobility sells viewership’ to allow actual counters to hypermobility.

They dont care what a minority of hardstucks whining about stationary targets that die in one hit and do tickle damage thinks.


It’s because if they make sym viable at mid to higher ranks, she destroys lower ranks.

If you watched the interview the other day they basically said they are trying to avoid that.

EDIT, well she is viable, just not workable everywhere so people cry about bad.

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Sym isnt and has never been a noobstomper. She is a complex hero to get value from and honestly unless they intentionally dumb her down, she literally cant be a noobstomper.

So really this fearmongering is utterly unfounded.

You need to actually research the issues Sym has in her current design if you think its something as simple as this.


Bruh her auto lock beam and turrets crapped all over lower ranks. Were you even here for Sym 1.0?

Maybe it’s you and not the hero?

Also if your gonna be this bombastic and call this fear mongering, you should probably RMA your brain, i think it’s got defective switches.

ThE pRo’S cAn’T uSe HeR sO sHe’S nOt ViAbLe AnYwHeRe?

is that the research i am supposed to do?

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Where YOU? Because all you are doing is pointing out their strengths, and none of their glaring weaknesses.

If a hero is a noobstomper only because of some non-aiming mechanics, Widow is now a noobsomper, after all her mobility is auto-aimed!

Pharah is a noobstomper and yet none about her is auto-aim. Your dichotomy is obsolete and rooted in silly aim elitism.

‘Sym mains need to learn to play their hero lol’ was not a valid line 3 years ago and its not now either.

Specially not when I am Diamond. Its not a thing about not being able to climb lol. That doesnt mean Sym cant have issues or that I cant point them out.

Its the reverse of that actually.

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Sym is amazing, what would u like to change?

What is amazing about Sym other than team TP gimmicks exclusive to organized teams?

Here comes a healing Sym challenger:

Symmetra HP reduce to 200 (100 white+100 blue)

Primary 1: Photon Projector

  • Hold to charge, release to fire explosive orb that deals 85 damage on contact.
  • Charge will only affect orb travel distance, the orb will travel 5m min and 35m max. It rebound when collide with other objects until it traveled to the charged distance. It has a minimum charge time of 0.5 sec & max. charge time of 2 sec.
  • Once the orb stop travelling, it stay in the place it stop for 10 sec, the stationary orb can still deals 85 damage on contact. It only allow 5 nos. of stationary orb stay in the battlefield.

Primary 2: Healing triangle

  • Symmetra’s weapon emits a 14m ranged beam to restore ally’s health, if an ally is healed, the beam bends to heal another ally within 10m range and finally came back to heal Symmetra.
  • The beam restore 60/30/15 health per sec to First ally/Second ally/You. The beam will switch to a lower health target as Second ally for every 3 sec.

Secondary fire: Mode switch

  • Symmetra can switch to healing mode and damage mode with left click, healing mode as default mode.

Shift: Sentry Turret

  • Health: 50
  • Damage/Healing: 10 per sec/15 per sec
  • Move. speed: -50% (slow, only in damage mode)
  • Ammo: 5 stored, Max 5 on the field

E: Teleporter

  • Additional effect: After Teleporting, the ally gain 25 shield/30% movement speed for 10 sec while Symmetra was in Healing mode/ Damage mode.

Well her TP is basically a slightly delayed Reaper Teleport that stays on the field for your team to use. And I pretty much use it that way too.
It also blocks a few things like enemy Rein charges or grenades.
So you can pickaboo back and forth and just give people a mouth full of fully charged balls point blank.
The TP has crazy utility, I always cry a little inside when people merely use it at spawn, because using the TP to prevent deaths and gain kills is far more valuable than to get people to the front faster after dying. People just not using any logic.

And ye her ult is great value and you can charge is pretty fast too.
Sym works best on control maps like Oasis, but you can play her on any map really.
Hanamura on attack is always surprising how quickly my teammates catch on how you can just skip the entire enemy line and go straight to the bell with my TP.
Works 2/3 times lol

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Literally nothing of this allows her to compete in the DPS role, or any role really.

I asked you what is amazing about Sym outside team TP. Nothing you have said is amazing and is in fact bootleg imitations of what other heroes do, and do better.

And no, you cant play her on any map. If you dont get mass reported for picking Sym in a non-TP abusable map, her kit is so nerfed around team TP that you will fail to perform compared to picking literally any other DPS role hero.

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There’s like 20 DPS heroes that all deal DPS in different ways. Just consider Sym as another very unique choice for people that like to play something more magy.
Sym brings plenty of value, but ye if u really wanna play tip top competitive then you can only play like 8 heroes in the whole game anyway. A lot of heroes are obsolete in that sense, the no fun what-so-ever sense.

What can I say, I never get reported. I get results. ha


My whole point is that the can’t just buff her because she will destroy lower ranks, it’s not about X or Y, quit trying to change the point.

No, you specifically, again quit trying to change the point, all trying to change points does is show you have no real point or argument.

Press “F” to doubt. You can’t even take in someones point without trying to mutate it to how you want it to be, i know silvers with basic reading comprehension.

Also if your a sym main, and in diamond, you literally just desroyed your own point.