Thanks. Does anyone know anything about this?
Yes, that was established day one of its reveal at blizzcon 2019 by Jeff himself…
Yes. Also OW2 is the same game but with an expansion. (Remember what they said, it’s gonna start using the same exe. Problem is that the changes they do to heroes will affect a lot of custom games. )
Yeah that too. So i hope they dont rush it cause we gonna end up with a reforged situation.
Nah, its worse. Everyone is expecting a game balance change for OW2 but it won’t come true. If the leaks from that streamer are true then the entire game is mostly finished and all that’s left is to rework old heroes. But seeing how the OW team said they won’t do any big changes to the supports (but remove Brigg’s stun) then everything will be for nothing. Yeah sure, less stuns are fine. But this entire game was balanced with mobility stuns in mind. Imagine everyone complaining about the new balance while also complaining how the supports (mercy being the prime example) aren’t and are not gonna be fun to play. But maybe they are gonna give us a map editor so that’s neat!
They will. Thank Jeff Kaplan.
I mean it’s a lot less complicated than you are making it sound.
The only really difficult part is that to do about Hammond. And technically that can be easily “solved” by either making him a DPS, or balancing him as a high ELO hero that sucks for medium/low ELO.
I will read your post and give you an answer after
-hammond maybe less damage resistence and more dps
-no roadhogh barrier, not good
-snipers are fine, its still a shooter
-dont nerf the snipers against the tanks, just buff everyone else if you have to
-if bastion had the damage of wrecking ball but got damage resistence while hitting enemies it would be fine
- dont make hack be blocked by tank abilities unless a special one
-i agree with zarya bubble block for hack and the not remove shield thing
-all of the other sombra changes are good too
-mcree looks good
-hanzo looks good but dont nerf his hp
-widow looks fine
-idk about mei but looks kinda ok
-i wanted to say i dont agree with bastion but those look like good changes + add my damage nerf thing. We becomes a suppresion hero instead of a minigun one
-dont nerf echo.
-zarya looks fine
-make matrix last 3 seconds but she cant cancel it but if she gets stunned ability is ended. (stunned from behind)
-winston fine
-rein fine
-orisa perfect
-make sigma 850hp shield but he can cancel and activate at any time. It gives him skill to block stuff.
-give back his primary fire, make it so the enemy isnt stunned after hook, ultimate ability looks fine but make it do damage too
So this is what I think about the list. Only thing I really don’t like are the dps nerfs. (echo and hanzo hp). Everything else is good. I always go for the “make everyone OP so everyone is fun” logic, since overwatch was created with that in mind.
And by looks good/fine = I agree with your decisions there.
OV/Overwatch 2/II/Two Cancelled due too/2 the Lawsuit controversial
OW2 is a horrible misnomer, it’s more like Overwatch 2.0
I’m curious to know if the old skins will be updated with the new looks.
Probably not the legendary skins since they are already a different look from base design.
But the epics and recolors? Will they have the same color changes on the new look design? Will they carry over as they are and we will have a new set of recolors to earn? Will the base character be replaced with the new base or will OW1 players have both the new base and the old base from OW1?
Have they ever addressed this?
The base skin redesigns are OW2 only. Altho this infographic is obviously outdated as it mentions Echo coming soon lol
Jeff’s interview with Gamespot (I believe), they asked him about this and he said something like
“yeah so you could be in a match where OW1 Lucio is playing alongside an OW2 Lucio, same two heroes but different look”
The leak you are claiming was NOT from streamers but from Metro whose leaks have been wrong multiple times already and who has zero credibility as a source.