Will Push be ready for the next OWL season?

Push looks like an entertaining game mode, and i am curious to see how pros will play it and what bold new strategies they will use.

The current season is about to conclude, the next season is in February, right? that should be plenty of time for the devs to feature Push in the OWL and pump up it’s views.

I’d be surprised if they push it out to OWL before OW2 releases, at least unless they have a special client they want to use.

I don’t think this will see daylight before OW2 does. My best guess for when OW2 will be released is MAAAYBE Xmas 2020, because I’m sure Blizzard would want to release it before Xmas, if it’s ready.

If it’s not ready by then, their next window will be May 2021, five years after OW1, because this will be shortly before school lets out for summer. Always a good time to sell video games.

If they don’t make May 2021, then they’ll go to Xmas 2021. And if they can’t make THAT date, then God only knows.

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ow2 is supposed to be out, or in a beta form, or a lot of content release idrk but something big in 2021 q1

Push is coming alongside OW2, so no.