Will it take the failure of owl views to put attn in comp?

Comp has so many issues STILL (3 YEARS LATER) and we know its mainly due to owl being developed. Attn and resources were pulled from the game to create the owl.

Now from low to high ranks the comp experience has several issues.

It’s a team based game that doesnt enable team play.

How can you base someones Sr on unranked when 5 other players on your team have a direct impact on how well each other CAN perform??

Example: let’s say you+5 are all doing placements on unranked profiles but the team all go dps or something crazy. The match is one sided to the enemy. Let’s say your either spawn camped, have a thrower or even a leaver.

How can the system possibly determine how well you play if you can’t even play a proper match?

Not only that but matchmaking with others that all play dps or only support is extremely frustrating.

They also put 0 effort in educating lower ranks on team comps and counters. It’s so frustrating especially from me because going into pc from console has been such a nightmare in comp.

My 1st placement matches ever on pc, I had 6 leavers and 2 throwers within the 10 matches of placements! (I placed silver on pc when I’m diamond on ps4.)
Close your eyes and imagine how I feel after spending 1k on a pc and another copy of the game just to have an experience like that!

Everything in your matches are impacted by 5 other players but yet the scoring/ranking bases it all on individual play.

This is truly a broken system and how can we finally fix comp?

I feel like it will take the loss in viewership in owl to finally make it clear to the devs that comp needs help.

The main player base will need owl to fail to finally bring the attn to the devs that “hey, maybe we should look at the majority of our player base again since for some reason they don’t care about the game at the highest level the game can get”

What do you all think?


No. If Overwatch League fails, I think it is far more likely Activision views Overwatch as a total failure and (pretty much) pulls the plug, like with HotS.


Oh that’s true. That’s a good point

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I want to see OWL burn writhing in the agony of its own failures it should be a harrowing experience for blizzard to not force this esport rubbish and show them that if they ignore the game to make the esport more profitable people will want to see said esport die in the most twisted and delicious way possible.


I liked this game before OWL so all its issues are because of OWL…
Great logic buddy

The problem is not OWL but complacency. That and budget cuts

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You don’t know this. The forums keep saying it, but they don’t know anything.


I do like the irony of OP having an owl team logo as their player icon


Im still looking for sources stating this. do you atleast have any credible sources saying this(dev interview, quotes from the company etc.)? a claim without evidence can be dismissed without evidence


The Overwatch League is it’s own separate entity. The Overwatch dev team doesn’t actually produce it. They aren’t diverting anything into OWL. They might have 1 or two people make the league skins real quick, but the teams themselves design them.


Given that the OWL was in development likely nearly as long as the game itself I can imagine that they foresaw the resources required to work on it. We’re probably honestly seeing updates come out as they had planned from the very beginning. It’s just slower than we expected.


Its an amazing logic isnt it?
Especially if you couple it with the underlying "I Hate OWL and your game now so please cater to me and give me free stuff / work harder for no reason at all (because you already paid for the game)"

The best motivation to work harder indeed :rofl:

Actually HotS just lost it’s esport team and a portion of devs were moved, they’re still pumping out content. It’s not completely abandoned to die like people think.

I said “(pretty much) pull the plug”. I understand what happened to the HotS team. Cutting their developers in half is a very big deal though, that will drastically reduce the rate at which they can produce new content. Eventually the game will die because of that, I feel.

Time will tell for sure, if this were any other developer I would be willing to say the community would keep it alive. With Actiblizzion though… maybe in a year or two.

Ummmm… The devs said it themselves. You think it’s just my opinion? This is fact.

Activision-Blizzard: “Support our billion-dollar esport enterprise with money and eyeballs, or we will kill off your game.”

Overwatch players: "… okay… " :sob:

They actually did say this. I think about a year ago in one of their YouTube videos they flat our said, not paraphrasing here, that they pulled resources from making new game modes so they could focus on OWL. It’s sad, but it’s true.

Please see above post/link.

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Yes. It’s no bs. It’s truth