I gotta feel she is going to be. Maybe Bi-sexual? Maybe gender-fluid? Theres no real hint yet but I think she could be when shes finally revealed.
If so. I look forward to laughing at the same old names that’ll be upset about it.
first I care about having a character with a good story in overwatch, then I’ll care about knowing her sexual orientation. one thing that I’m honestly starting to find unpleasant (unfortunately) in Venture: they have a beautiful style, they have a great narrative potential… but if you read their story it’s redundant to “they like digging…archaeology…digging… and digging, right? ”. consequently they don’t tell us anything about the character, uselessly funny but basically with a random mission in the world of Overwatch. Just as they continue not to clearly define what archaeology has to do with Anubis’ technology, almost implying that Venture have no idea of ​​the difference between the Egyptian Anubis and the Anubis God Program developed about thirty years ago
. I find this narrative limbo annoying, and it’s certainly not putting Sombra doing Sombra (“hello, here I am, there’s a mystery, see you in the future”
) that makes them fascinating to me.
Let me be clear: I think they are WASTING Venture to the point of being just a LGBTQ icon in their lore . And I’m sorry, because venture has a beautiful stylistic concept and a possible valid narrative connection. But if I read their bio… I still know nothing about them, and frankly next to nothing about the wayfinder society. and most importantly, I certainly don’t know any more about Anubis than what we already know from Genesis Shorts.
Illari introduced us to a new world in part (inti warriors), juno introduced us to the colony on mars, hazard brought back the lore of those who are against the return of overwatch and the system, even introducing a new team (phreaks). Venture honestly disappointed me a lot because they basically say nothing about the wayfinders, and if you read their bio… they don’t even mention hamid faisal, technically an important member of the wayfinders.
this is what I mean by “i want a good character”: the priority must be on good stories, not just “representation”.also freja has to show me a new world of Overwatch, as a priority part, and i don’t want to have the same effect I had with Venture.
Very well said.
Venture’s lack of character development and backstory is quite disappointing. Too many unanswered questions and loose associations. Very much incomplete.
And if Freja isnt LGBTQ+, I wont be so much disappointed as more surprized. The trend with new characters feels more focused gender and sexual orientation identities, so I expect her to have some association with it. As you mentioned, I hope her backstory is more complete and detailed than Ventures.
She’s not hope that helps. New character’s aren’t LGBTQ recently-- it’s just whenever they want to make one.