Will anything ever be done about Pharmercy on console?

OP since day 1. And I’m not even being Salty or anything, even Fankda, (a player that happened to reach 5000 sr and being the #1 player on PS4) has admitted it :

It’s really painful when you can’t to sh*t as you’re getting wrecker over and over again. At least, against a good widow, you can always go winston/Dva/Sombra to take her down, but you can’t do much again that combo at all.
We need something.


blizzard don’t give a s.hit about balancing especially on consoles.

until few months after release they even tried to balance potg,
but now its all about OWL and the $ it brings.


I watched the ps4 top 500, top 1, OTP Pharah (not actually otp but 20min on other heroes for 20 hours on pharah this season), top 2, Fankda, OTP Pharah (same), top 3, other heroes, top 4, other heroes, top 5, fankda alt, top 6, fankda alt, top 7, other heroes, top 8, Pharah main, top 9, other fankada alt, etc… Pharah is overpowered on console.

fankda also used to six stack because matchmaking was easier through that method. also didnt fankda only went into comp after peak time.

HAHAHA i remember the old days.

I find them easy to kill after the Mercy nerf.

guess what without sounding to racist or wrong but pharah is mainly picked by certain countries. if these countries were removed you would see the pickrate for that combo drop so badly.

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…i guess I’ll politely ask for your source since you left a disclaimer.

I think the splash damage nerf would be good enough to nerf pharah without taking a dump on her viability on console.

to bad blizzard hasnt bothered balancing for console in years. i mean all they did was a turret nerf that was unneeded since the issue was due to hero stacking. if they cared about balance on console heroes like tracer and combos like pharmecy would have been adjusted ages ago.

  1. check overbuff playstation vs xbox GM pickrate. there you can see it is not a console issue but PlayStation issue.
    meaning there is another factor.
  2. check top 500 of PlayStation history from season 1 till now and the numbers generally speak in favor of EU having the highest pick rate of pharmercy added with EU having the highest number on M and K it is GG.
  3. That is where i will stop. i could say more there is no need.

Target Mercy

Oh right. Playstation is bad, no revelations here ; )

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right! :joy::joy::joy::joy: