WIKI: Workshop Syntax & Script Database

Another question. Is there a way to store specific variable, and is there a way for it to be used by many conditions/actions, outside of original one?

The text doesn’t match.

This is a fix I can’t make because “I can’t post images”

Is there a way to make Zaryas ability 2 target herself?

is there a way to have a player interact with a health kit and it do something other then heal example if a condition was a hero walking into a health pack.

Not that I know of, but you can disable health packs and put orbs where health packs used to be, then have an effect happen to players that pick up the orbs


someone know how to change targets for sym’s turrets and make it heal it? XD


The “reevaluation” function has me confused…I’m using a chase player variable action to count down how much time is left for a status effect, but i can’t seem to get it to properly display the correct values during the first instance.

Thanks to everyone who has caught on my mistakes or added to the guides so far. I have not been feeling good the last few days and my real life work has been taking up more time than I originally anticipated so building the sections is taking far longer than expected. I am through the P’s in the Value Syntax list and the more I work to check to see how each value functions, the more I understand how one programs mods for the workshop. I will try to get more done soon, but with Overwatch League starting back up tomorrow, I probably won’t make too much progress until at least Monday.


If possible, I want to see an example of


Right now, I’m using a bunch of ‘OR’ statement nesting ‘OR’ statement. I am assuming the IS_TRUE_FOR_ANY works similar to the example below:

    bIsPerformingAction = true;
    bIsPerformingAction = false;

    --- OR ---

bIsPerformingAction = false;
  bIsPerformingAction = true;

I could be wrong. Would be nice to have a function to perform a check for whether or not player is performing any of the plausible attack similar to how regular expression has alpha, numeric, etc.


I will also like to see an example of having an array or list if there is such a features. right now, I’m using the variables to store a single value.

It would be nice if we could export and import a json file of rules.


I do not know if this is right place to post this, but as far as I can tell there is no Condition for “Is Using Quick Melee” and “Quick Melee” is not a choice in any of the following:



I would like to remap the primary fire of a character to do a quick melee, and I would greatly appreciate if this could be added to make programming this easier.

P.S. thank you greatly for the Workshop I am loving it!

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I was trying to do the same thing for McCree.
Reset Roll cooldown on Elimination.
But ya, there’s no command for it yet.

Well good news, I got all of the Value based syntax descriptions built. Going to get started on Action Syntax next.

I feel that when players begin adding content, you will need forum trust level 3 or higher as each post will contain images, videos, or links. That being said, if you can’t edit a post because it has such content and you are not trust level 3, you will need to post a reply for me to see and I will add in the content if appropriate for the guide.

Cheers everyone! (^^)v

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Is it intentional that we aren’t allow to store string into a variable?

I want to be able to dynamically change the HUD string information for items (using icons), but it isn’t possible without storing the string into a variable and have the HUD retrieve the changes from the dynamic string information from the variable.

Also, for strings, please add a string option for the following:

{0} {1} {2}
{0} / {1} {2}
{0} {1} / {2}

Would also love a ‘?’ hero icon or icon as well.

Well this was useful been trying to set ultimate charge to 100 for like an hour lol. Thanks for the info.

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Please enjoy the amusing typo I found and tried to fix, but couldn’t for the reason you state.

“Sorted Away”

I need to get some rest… T.T… fixing now.

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wait, youre not a blizzard employee?

Yes. Apparently it has problems because of the way internationalization works or something (I didn’t save a link to the post). I hope they find a way to make it happen in the future, but for now they have decided not to let you assign strings to variables.

All the things you ask for with string formatting you can work around by starting with a “{0} {1}” or a “{0} / {1}” and then making {0} or {1} or both strings themselves, with your actual text being in the {0} and {1} of the string inside the string. It gets ugly fast but you can do a lot with it.

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Does anybody know about the effect limit? The wiki currently states that the operation will fail if there are ‘too many’ of them, but how many? I tried doing some testing myself and I’ve found the results to be kind of funky. My current theory is that there is not an absolute effect cap but each player can create up to x effects. Could anybody confirm?