[WIKI-THREAD] Workshop suggestions 2!

Were never assuming that :D.

The thing I want most is a hero editor. The best I can describe it would be like the object editor within the Warcraft 3 world editor. It’s a highly flexible editor that requires no coding/scripting knowledge. In the case of Overwatch it would be like custom games settings dialed to 10 from the current 2-3 it is now. I know some form of hero editor already exists in the back end of the game cause the experimental card couldn’t exist otherwise. Since the devs are able to do things with the EC that we can’t do in custom games settings/workshop.

I’d love for whatever editor exists to be merged with the custom games settings.

List of things it should have for editing. (there might be things I forgot)

  • remove % slider and give exact number inputs

  • weapon spread and possibly weapon spread patterns (think Reaper shotguns)

  • cooldowns

  • add or remove health, shields, armor, or barriers from any hero, deployable, or ultimate

  • number of pellets for a shotgun and how much damage each pellet does

  • add or remove charges for abilities (like giving Zenyatta more orbs of discord or harmony that can all be deployed at the same time)

  • damage falloff

  • projectile speed per weapon/ability (current projectile speed just slows or speeds up every projectile on a hero)

  • duration/decay timer on deployables

  • giving/removing effects to existing abilities (like torb’s ultimate setting you on fire like ashe’s dynamite which it doesn’t for some reason)

  • increase or reduce knockack per abilitiy

  • change a weapon’s damage type (projectile or hitscan)

  • old abilities, deployables, assets, and ultimates removed from the game (think Reaper soul globes, Torb armor/lvl 3 turret, Mercy mass rez, and etc.)

  • Cloning heroes but giving them different names and abilties/ultimates (useful for hero prototyping or comparing different versions of a hero like having all 3 versions of Symmetra playable at the same time or making a new version that plays alongside the current one)

  • line of sight requirements for abilities

  • separate damage modifiers for a hero’s weapon, abilities and ultimate

  • separate healing modifiers for a hero’s weapon, abilities and ultimate

  • splash radius

  • projectile hitbox size

  • Changing a hero’s role (like changing a Tank to DPS or vice versa)

  • number limits for deployables (like letting Torb deploy a 2nd turret or giving Junkrat 3 traps)

Basically I want to be able to do all the same things the devs can when modifying a hero.

That’s all for now I hit a wall of mental fog and can’t think of anything else. But yeah a hero editor is something I’ve been wishing for, for quite a while. I know this isn’t really “workshop” related. But I figure it’s the best place to request this. Doesn’t hurt to have more options for custom games/workshop stuff.


Cant add that. Already removed old abilities from game files, they cannot revert this.

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This!!! I would LOVE to be able to give heroes fortify in the workshop, the cc immunity would be so handy!

Another status I’ve noticed to be unavailable is Ana’s anti-heal. Along with fortify, I think they’re the only status effects we can’t apply or remove yet in the workshop…

Btw, does anyone know how to make an ability end sooner? I’ve been tinkering with Mercy reworks in the workshop, but I can’t figure out a way to make Valk end earlier without using that slider in the regular custom options that changes the length of EVERYONE’S ultimate. There’s no “ult duration” sliders for individual heroes!


Yes they can they have the old builds of the game. All they need to do is copy the code and assets and add it into some kind of custom game options/hero editor. If you don’t think they’ve kept the old builds of the game ever heard of World of Warcraft classic? They took a 15 year old version of WoW and re-released it last year. I think it’s a safe bet to say that Overwatch being from the same game company has backups of the old game builds.

Pardon me if someone already said this, I searched (Ctrl F) and found no results.

There are two or three things that would be really cool for dummy bots, but I’ll start with the most curious one.

It would be really cool if bots could emulate the emotes that the Host had assigned to that specific hero.
This way, let’s say a certain host has ALL it’s heroes and heroines with the “sit” emote bound to the “emote down” button, and he uses the “Press button: Emote down” action in any rule, he forces all the dummies to suddenly sit down.

Now, what’s curious about this, is something I though when I tested to see if this wasn’t already a thing, and I found actually two curious things.
As you know, by default, dummy bots have the hero’s classic skin. So I thought “well, maybe then they are born with everything just as if it was a new player… they should have the heroic emote bound to the “emote up” button”
And yet they dont.

But there was something even more curious…
as we all know, no matter what emote you assign to D.VA, when you are using Baby D.VA, you would use the broken heart emote. But bot dva does not do this.

Of course both things happen because of a common reason: Dummy bots have no emotes. Not even the Heroic emote.

So, that’s my suggestion: Give dummy bots the same emote distribution as the Match Host’s.

Additionally, this could also be applied to voice lines, and maybe even skins.

(Consider that a change of host mid-game could be fixed so it does not re-distribute skins/emotes/voice lines until the match is re-started by the new host)

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For anti-heal just set healing received to 0 for a little.

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I would like to know how to lift Ana’s anti-heal in workshop…

For now, you can quickly swap the player’s hero back and forth with:

start forcing player to be hero(event player, hero(*different hero*))
start forcing player to be hero(event player, hero(*original hero*))

Afaik, the new action “cancel primary action” has been added in the newest PTR patch. But I don’t know what actually gets canceled. I fear, Mercys Ult wont get canceled, because stuns wont break it aswell.

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Aw, man. I hope the “cancel primary action” thing works, because I already use the “force quick swap” workaround and I’m frustrated that I need to use a workaround in the first place.

I wish there were “modify ult duration” sliders for individual heroes in the custom game options, instead of there being only one global slider that modifies EVERYONE’S ult duration.

im pretty sure this already exists

its just only on some chars

No, they want a player slider, not a team one.

Both ways around would be nicer :().

I didn’t mean it like that but ok.

It would be nice to add a list of different game modes so the players in the game go to the list of game modes, look at a brief description about it and write comments about the game mode. The developer will edit the page of his game mode, update code and other information. It would be a huge help for new developers. Players who want to spend the evening playing all sorts of modes will go to this list and see which game modes are new or which are highly rated. Now players are playing modes that were well advertised by well-known developers. Also, players choose easy and understandable game modes. They can’t read big descriptions. With this system mode creators will write descriptions in the game.

More about that here.

Add the option “closed game mode”. In closed game modes, you won’t be able to see rules. For open game modes, blizz can add a system that will scan all open game modes, and if there is a 100% clone, the system won’t publish your game mode. So the list of game modes (read above suggestion) won’t be overloaded. Players will still be able to share codes with each other, but they won’t be able to see rules (if game mode is closed).

It would be a good thing to get to developers statistics about their game modes. For example, how many people played this game mode, which hero was popular and etc.

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This is something I’ve been wanting for the longest time since 2018. After the infinite bot glitch got patched, the devs said they’d try to find a way to implement it in the future. They never did, but having bot slots would allow us to make the mode again. (I’ve been wanting to make a L4D mode but having only 6 bots isn’t ideal).

Thank you for compiling all these suggestions Magy. I hope the devs see it.

They actually don’t. All the code is still in the game actually for all unused ability assets if you know how to navigate their code. Its there its just unused currently, but all that data is actually still in the game and gets downloaded every time you install the game.


I’m sorry but how do we ‘cleanly’ end an action versus forcefully ending one?