[WIKI-THREAD] Workshop suggestions 2!

<What am I missing something I dont see it please tell me where it is>
The button that looks like a speech bubble

Oh. Why didn’t you tell me it was in the typing menu?

Because I didnt know that you needed this information, sry. :frowning:
Otherwise I would have told you of course.

I wonder if we will ever get a dev response in this thread :thinking:

It would be very reassuring.

Lol I didn’t see this and yeah… When you put it that way…

Edit: Was playing a gamemode using previous features from past types… Said my thing had too much load when a command triggered when I died… Happend again when I took dmg once… Also happened when I switched teams… Tbh, their saying is not an over exaggeration…

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Yeah, generally the rule of thumb is to try to keep your games under 200 rules

that seems to be the limit for the game, if you are smart you can probably condense or remove some rules but it sometimes is still too much

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98, take, not give. Yeah, 98> rules and I crashed.

never crashed on my gamemode with over 150+ rules

The drawback of console is real…

It also depends on the size and number of the conditions, number of actions and event type. Damage dealt for example gets triggered more often than player died and causes bigger performance loss.

I mean, you could rework spectators or use already existing spectator mechanics and features to add a “Creative Mode”.

You guys saw the news of the workshop update? i wonder if it has the suggestions from this thread incorporated

That would be great :slight_smile:
A map editor would be my dream, but that’s probably not very realistic :slight_smile:
My personal most wanted more realistic changes would be:

  • Ability to drag and drop rules, conditions, and actions on PC (or a keyboard shortcut to move the ones marked with a checkmark up or down in the list).
  • A keyboard shortcut (or right-click option) that allows users to paste rules, conditions, and actions at a specific location of the script.
  • A keyboard shortcut (or right-click option) to delete rules, conditions, and actions marked with a checkmark.
  • Anything that lets workshop modes use more memory (so more variables/larger arrays can be used).
  • Increased maximum script size.
  • Storing strings in variables.
  • An easier way to change the color of effects, beam effects, icons, HUD texts, and in-world texts.
  • Maybe have a different type of array that only supports one type of data (integer or real numbers, for example) with default values that can be entered in a table (using the same type of interface that is used to define variable names) if this could possibly reduce the amount of memory or script size a script uses.

Edit: Two more things that would be very helpful to me:

  • Any way to see the current percentage of maximum script size your script uses (workshop already continuously checks if a script has exceeded maximum script size so I imagine this would be possible).
  • Any type of diagnostics (tool) that shows us what lead to a game closing down due to excessive server scipt load. So we can see how many times each action was run, how much memory each global and player variable used, how much memory (average and at moment of server crash) was used by effects, beam effects, icons, hud texts, in-world texts, by effects and sound from the play effect action, etc. A list of all the actions there were run in the frame when the limit was exceeded. A list of actions there were run in the frame where peak server load was reached. Anything that helps us find out why a game mode has crashed.

Knew nothing about it

Another idea i had,

what about “Universal” Variables

player / global variables that are saved server-wide or even in the gamemode itself

Edit 2: Had no rules running on a person, and they weren’t even spawned yet. Switched their team and game restarted due to too much workshop load. Like, ???

Yeah can you inform me about the new update? Didn’t see it

We dont know anything about it yet,

we just know we are getting one,

jeff mentioned the people who created workshop had been listening to what we asked or something, check the lastest dev update


Oh, ok.