[WIKI-THREAD] Workshop suggestions 2!

Our whole life is a huge workshop!

These would be helpfull for anything with a travel time or ark like junk and Lucios primary fires, Sigma and Orisas barriers or Torb and Syms surrets.

Spawn Projectile: spawn any projectile asset from any hero, input hero and ability slot.
Projectile ID: The ID of the projectile last fired.
Projectile location: return the current vector of a projectile.
Projectile hit location: return the vector of where a projectile hit.

Ability Charges: The number of charges an ability has.
Ability Structures Limit: The number of strucures that can be up at once.


i would really like this as well. and scrolling in general could use some improvements. like when you are working with a long list of actions, every time you press ok on an action the workshop scrolls you up to the top of the rule.
i wish it would just let me stay in the same place i was working, instead i have to scroll down over and over when changing several rules at the bottom of a rule.

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It is a pity that so far none of my messages have been answered by those who could help. I hope one day Jeff accidentally pokes somewhere in a random place on a forum, finding himself at one of my posts, eh … uwu

Jeff is busy enough with other things to read this forum, there are moderators working here. Anyway Jeff is not the one you need I guess. Keep posting and one day you see a light…

I added the request to let the value is alive(*not existing player / empty slot*) resolve as FALSE, as it equals TRUE currently. This actually messed up a “filtered array” action I used. If both, “is alive” and “is dead” on a not existing player would be considered “false”, it might be a lot more consistent.
I just think it is not very intuitive that NULL “is alive”.

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Dear Rany, I hope you forgive all the people who drink you to fight heartburn …

Do you know he is chatting on Youtube? I did not know it before I got a first his message as response to my message under one of his video.



Zach why didnt you tell me this i would have legit flown over all the way to the US and id literally hug you

we just need dummy bot upgrades and we have endless posibilities


Count Of returns number of elements in array.

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I think it is in the patchnotes though :wink:

Well then you are allowed and free to remove that suggestion from this thread since it is a wiki one. Count of returns the amount of elements an array container currently holds that is true and is commonly used for loop iterations. But if Magy is actually referencing to the Array size in bytes than its a bit different, it is then bound and related to memory allocation and all sorts of memory management at low level coding which Blizzard will never grant access to us. An Array alone takes 8 bytes in memory space regardless what types it holds.^^

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Well in bytes will not be possible. Since overwatch array in workshop can hold lot of data types.

  • True/False (Boolean): 1 byte
  • Numbers (Including floating points): 4 bytes
  • Vectors: 12 bytes (i presume that is 12 bytes, since XYZ components are Numbers, and also i consider vector as aligned struct/class in Overwatch Workshop VM)
  • Entity Reference: Same as Number
  • Text Id Reference: Same as Number
  • Damage/Healing Modification Reference: Same as Number
  • Damage/Healing Over Time Number
  • Damage/Healing Modification Reference: Same as Number
  • Some constants values like Team, Hero, Color, maybe is Bitwise flag (1 byte or more)

For obvious reasons.

You are wrong. Array allocation in bytes, depends on type os value is allocated. Array size = sizeof data type * count of elements;

8 bytes is Int64/UInt64 data types. Since we cannot have big numbers in workshop, max memory that uses is a size int (4 bytes)

Also overwatch workshop seems to be like Javascript array, that can hold any value in.

And strings have dynamic size, and have C-NULL Termination.


I guess he meant when the Array is pointing to a memory address, the address is a numeric integer type value and depending on architecture the Array Pointer is either 4 bytes in size (32-bit) or 8 bytes in size (64-bit), regardless of what type the Array “Pointer” holds and allocates with. But you are both right from some perspectives, since the workshop is basically a virtual machine scripting language at top level there will also be no need for such task of memory management at all.


Oops yeah, idk why i was mangling with pointers :(), maybe cause pointers are anyway related to memory and stack and heap stuff sorry for being unclear, but yeah if its not pointing to memory addresses the size of an array is ofc the size of the data type it holds * its elements in statically C code context as Nathan said. When they use a dynamic language like Javascript well the memory is therefore anyway allocated dynamically with the help of a GC( Garbage Collector).

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Wait i am not familiar with Javascript is it even a dynamically typed language or a hybrid one like C++? I might google that :smile:.

remember that its a wikithread and not every suggestion was made by me,

i dont think i wrote that one

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Well Nathan just quoted and i was using your nick in short for referencing.

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