Widowmaker's skincolor is just not possible in lore

She’s been using make up tutorials then I guess. Cos look at her Talon skin’s skin.

Reaper can literally dissipate into smoke and blue skin is what’s got you thinking hard?


And Eeaper turning into smoke is possible? Next you will tell me Headlight is not real.

This confirms that Widowmaker is Belgian, not French.

The problem isn’t that there are things in Overwatch that do not exist right now or are pure fantasy. The problem is that there are some things in Overwatch that are real, but completely presented faulty.


Yeah, these kinds of posts are just weird for an imaginary game.

Energy dragons, a guy who leeches life by hurting others, another who vampirically “drains” at range for a pool, etc. In that light, her skin color is one of the easiest to explain: the biochemical agents used to slow her heart-beat, deaden emotion, etc. also could easily account for other properties needed to maintain her.


I’ve since long learned to stop caring about “realism” in games, if you look at every talking animal, every impractical armor, the refusal for main characters to wear helmets, the science mumbo jumbo, you just need to accept that fiction is fiction if you want to enjoy it. If you nit pick it than you realize that things break down FAST. Like in most movies the main heroes would be dead by the second scene if they were realistic as the human body is incredibly fragile compared to what hollywood shows us.

Where did you get the nonsense from?
She is French. Amélie Guillard grew up in her family’s ancestral home of Chateau Guillard. For much of her life, she was known as an accomplished ballet dancer in Paris.

Chateau Guillard is on Lake Annecy near Annecy, which is also in France.

Well Moira’s right arm has a purple tint, so why not Widow’s skin be that same colour?

What if Moira is a massive part of her change

You’re really going to nitpick realism in a game with a giant talking gorilla and super engineered hamster?

i mean they even have a guy who looks like he stepped out of ironforge

Wasn’t there a dude with blue skin who got that way because he drank sliver solutions 24/7?

There’s other ways they made Widow’s skin blue, the game is 50+ years in the future.

Moira’s right hand also has metal skin grafts, and they are still there even on her Oasis skin. The metal piece attached to her left eye is detachable on her classic skin, but as we can see on her Oasis skin, her left eye region is somewhat metallic even with the piece removed.

I think her ultimate goal is to modify the skin to be as durable and hardy like metal. Just like how Omnics are made out of metal. For now she can modify people to have fade abilities like the talon sniper and assassin.

For Reaper, she actually genuinely tried to save his life and her ulterior agenda was just studying his condition. Clearly he had a side effect from the super soldier experiment where his body was decaying. Of course she saved his life but gave him unintended dramatic side effects that she then emulated on a less dramatic scale for herself and compatible elite talon troops.

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A common fantasy explanation is “a wizard did it.” In the case of a science fiction setting like OW, I’d say “nanites did it.”

I think Widow is just genetically modified and probably has cybernetic implants also.

Actually who knows what they are putting in everyday people in the OW universe. All the heroes can jump off a 3 story building and be just fine when they land.

Are you really gonna complain and put realism and real science into a video game?

If thats the case, ill add to it…a human being should not be able to inhale toxic gas and still be alive, or how about this…its not scientifically possible to be able to shoot an arrow and summon 2 large spirit dragons, how about this one…a large man throwing a anchor sized hook straight at people and pulling them back with one whole arm.

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Have you seen widow’s spine? I think that’s more of an offense to scoliosis than it is to whatever blue skin disease she has.


Her skin color should be based on the critical hit % of the player.

Start at white until 15% then light blue and darker blue for 25%+.

I for one am absolutely shocked by the insinuation that my game featuring people being healed by music from the damage they took battling the space hamster’s mech may not be realistic.


Its just story lore for interesting things to talk about. Just like a good old tale of what old timers use to tell as mountaineers seeing bigfoot.

As far as we know. Widowmaker could have fell in a vat of blue dye and just went with that as her schtick. yah know? Just like superman and his cape. Or Batman as a dude with a partial bat mask. A calling card type-thing.

Iconic and attention drawing. So it strikes fear into someone of the unknown.


But you’re OK with a time traveling Brit, a talking gorilla, a sentient hamster in a robot, a teleporting assassin, should I keep going?

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