Widowmaker's romantic night out

You should take Widowmaker to the gyros joint and propose marriage to her.

It worked out real well for her last husband.

This spoke to me on a personal level.


I definitely meant no offense. I just remember these stories I read in the news every once in a while.

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Nono I love Starcraft2, south koreans are hardcore in that game lol

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Yeah, whenever I am up against a Korean player in a video game I get that sinking feeling.

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oh boy

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Widowmaker goes on the best dates.

This phrase summoned me :rofl:

Also please no I do not condone nor ship this.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


Any similarity to actual Widowmaker mains was purely coincidental.

No Orisa mains were harmed in the course of this production.

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What the hell, are you drunk or stoned??

You didn’t even read the first sentence, did you.

No, I definitely did. I was just wondering if you were both. Put ‘or’ when I meant ‘and’. :slight_smile:

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Oh, no worries. I am not stoned, though. Just a little fueled up on the sauce.

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I respect it.

I still love Widow.

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We all do. If I had to be murdered by somebody, it would definitely be her.

or both…

Did Widowmaker survive?
Where did zenyatta go?
What was Moira up to?
Find out on the hit soap opera, Let them eat Cake

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Widowmaker got rezzed because Sombra conned Mercy into it.

Zenyatta went to talk to Genji but instead ended up pondering the reincarnation prospects of Orisa’s pet rock.

Moira tried to create Echo Jr. but instead created Reaper Jr., who is currently happily bonding with Dad by robbing banks and killing people.

The soap opera is called “The cake is a delicious lie.”

Whens the novella series out?

I can’t heal through stupid ~WildPants

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Probably about same time as my liver gives out.