Widowmaker's "Q"

Should really just be some skill on a 30 second to a minute cool down that resets her grappling hook in the highly likely 90% chance it’s going to do something retarded and leave you to die?

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wtf lol

  1. What does this have to do with her ultimate

  2. Learn to grapple

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You’re right. I always forget the Q is actually used for ultimate’s in this game.
I use a DVORAK keyboard and it’s the ' key for me.

My point was, on some unused key somewhere she should have an ability to reset the hook.

This is so pretentious.

You can’t learn to grapple. Literally. You can’t.

If you want citations, I have videos. Lots of them.

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Hey you are back! How was the ban? Did you cool off?

Who needs bans when you can shove as many dollar bills into Blizzard’s pocket as you need?

That’ll teach them! Well I wish you luck on your current account!