It’s still emotions? That’s the weirdness I experience. Joy or taking pleasure in an activity is still an emotion. If she’s truly as dead to them as the bio insinuates she should be an inexpressive near mute… but I get that wouldn’t be a lot of fun to have in a game where so much is about character. I just hope they explain it later with some lore.
You’re not looking deep enough. She’s supposed to feel no emotion, yet the contradiction lies in her feeling Alive whenever she gets a kill.
You can see this especially when Moira was speaking to Widowmaker in-game with this quote:
Moira: “How are you feeling, Lacroix?”
Widowmaker: “I don’t feel, that’s the point, isn’t it?”
Awfully snappy and sarcastic for what would otherwise be a simple question to answer, I sense resentment that she’s bottling up as she has to live with what she’s done.
Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,
I thought this as well. I play a lot of Moira and hear that interaction often. I was like: “That feels oddly snippy. I know most people don’t like Moira, but still.” It’s part of what makes Widow amazing is that obvious feeling of something lingering.
I mean… there are other heroes in the game who are supposed to be fine but are more emotionless than a brick wall.
I am looking at you Baptiste.
which is a great interaction and very telling if they’re trying to show she is still in there and even resentful about what she has been made to do. My problem is all we know about her for sure right now is she seems to enjoy killing and causing suffering. More story plz…
Does he have any interactions with anyone? I don’t think I’ve heard any yet.
Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,
Damn. I barely ever hear this interaction but it’s cool anyways.
I love it, personally. It’s the kind of sarcastic response that I’m known to give, when the situation is appropriate for it.
Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,
She’s not exactly the only hero lacking story.
Pharah has had nothing since her comic from pre-release either.
yes. More ALL the story plz.
Personally, I don’t think she lacks at all. Gerard’s death, A Day at the Musuem and when they tried to kill Katya is ALOT compared to that of Pharah and Zenyatta.
Tiny cameo in Ana’s comic too.
Most demanding “Heal me” request in the game. like if your obligated.
Oh yeah, when she shot Ana in mech eye aswell.
I saw something interesting about that, actually. There’s a theory running around that Talon didn’t brainwash her, but instead, just brought the real Widow more readily to the surface, and that their tech’s never been working 100% from the get-go. A lot of which has to do with a theory that Moira sold out Blackwatch during the Retribution story, and had been with Talon as a sleeper invading Blackwatch.
This seems most likely to be the case. Or rather, they were only partially successful. They have obviously made her into an assassin who works for them. But the brainwashing seems to have its limits. She obviously still has emotions, not to mention she still seems to care deeply about her husband if we go off of her interactions with Ana.
She should be a cold emotionless assassin. But she has plenty of emotions, just the positive ones seemed dulled down except when she successfully gets the job done now. Which is sad for her.
My speculation has been that she’s mostly lost a sense of what joy and pleasure actually are, and that she “enjoys” killing simply for the rush of feeling anything at all.
If so, it’s a little different take on some other stories I’ve seen of characters with neurological issues who intentionally hurt themselves and seem to enjoy it, just because any amount of pain that gets through is at least feeling something, when they can’t feel anything else.
In any case, the fact that LaCroix even collaborates with anyone should be evidence enough that she still has some degree of emotional capacity. Without emotion there’s no desire, and without desire there’s no motivation to do much of anything. She would probably wander around alone, doing whatever, until someone killed or captured her… and she wouldn’t care about that either.
She does have some direction for sure, renovating Chateau Guillard certainly suggests that as well.
she does have a bit of sass though.
her voice line “your emotions make you vulnerable” is pretty funny in my opinion.