Widowmaker shooting through an allied barrier

should remove the headshot dmg bonus completely. If you insist on this no fun broken hero being able to one shot at 0 cost, she shouldnt be allowed to hide behind barriers. It’s so annoying going against a good widow that just hides behind barriers and has two supports glued to her. Completely ruins the game

I’d rather something more like this:

  • 4sec grapple
  • Using Snipe shot puts grapple on a 4sec cooldown

That way, if you see that red line, you know exactly where Widow is, and that she’s vulnerable for the next 4sec.

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Interesting idea. That would probably not even be a nerf at low ranks because people are so bad and yet, at the high ranks, 4 seconds of vulnerability would be a death sentence. You cooked with this one, Grey.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Now if only we could get the rest of the stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

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Heck, this one, I don’t know if I cooked, or I was cooked, but it was fun.


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she’s jsut going to be grapple shotting all game. maybe if grapple puts her scope on a cooldown

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Yup, basically

I figure start with 4 sec and 4 sec, but it will eventually be more like 6 and 3.

But if you’re doing a rework, you want to to be slightly overtuned, then scale it down from there. And by the time the hero is “normal”, the Widow players would have gotten over their mass hysteria about things changing.

sure come here my brig will take care or junes will run me out.

I know playing rein and charding into walls does this ,

all these solutions are only aimed at dumb solo widow scenarios which is not even a problem.

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i think they should just make widow bad for a few months. The players deserve a break.

Perhaps, but the devs aren’t going to do that.

The hero has been babied the entire duration of OW1 and OW2.

So getting them to overtuned, but a lot less frustrating, is a necessary “bridging step”.

I’m all for nerfing Window into oblivion, but doing so without creating intrateam conflict would be my preference.

This change is a recipe for the Widow (and anyone else who loses their headshot capability for shooting through a shield) to berate/become frustrated with the tank.

yeah, I still stand by the statement that the devs’ blatant favoritism in balancing is the main issue with the game. If they just actually balanced the game instead of their current “balance” methodology the game could be pretty good

It’s a little more complicated.

My theory is they are using winrate, that’s weighted by Time.

But it’s mostly just measuring “Time”, not “Wins”.


And that Widow basically has an artificially low winrate, the last 8 years.

Much like Symm has an artificially high winrate, the last 8 years.

So they are genuinely trying to do the good and fair thing, they are just doing it wrong.

Almost every hero besides Mercy/Symm, that they’ve struggled to Balance, has had a low winrate.

They frequently mention winrates in their blog posts.

It’s the same reason why they keep randomly buffing Orisa, Hog or Mauga. And the community then wonders why the devs are out of touch on that.

Heck, I don’t think they should be using winrate, at all, for hero balancing unless it’s like waay off from their normal range.

The math behind stomps and why they happen - #51 by GreyFalcon-11737

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The only ones babied are tanks at the expense of the other two actually popular and fun roles

It wouldn’t. It doesn’t fix the problem of her playing way too far away to actually reach, nor does it prevent her from actually getting healed until the dive is forced to end

It sounds good on paper but it’s not something that would fix her.

And being able to grapple shots every four seconds could potentially cause even more problems


Not even potneitally; it simply would since it means she gets to cover more angles much more frequently and she already has the map pressure of multiple tanks.

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