Widowmaker Rework

But she’s not fun.
I will try to change it.

Widow has most powerful ult in a game, and one of most viabile of DPS heroes in a roster. She is ultra rewarding and thus super enjoyable to play. If you want something easier, play other heroes instead of proposing ruinung one of the most balanced heroes for others.

I don’t like playing against her as much as I don’t like playing her though. I don’t want to play against a railgun in an ability-based shooter.

Well, that’s like, your opinion, man.

And that’s YOUR opinion. So just. Careful with opinions!

Actually, i stated a fact by saying that what you said was your opinion, as it IS your opinion. An opinion i could have said was, “Your opinion is great” or “your opinion is bad”.

You stated that fact in a way that’s universally considered to be a quote/reference. I referenced another creative work in response, but you didn’t catch it and thus, lost the idea. Oh well.
But yeah, opinions. Opinions, opinions, opinions. Always subjective, rarely objective.

Its a reference i didnt get, so what?

I dunno, I now think of you as that guy who misses references.
That makes you significantly less qualified to argue with me on why Widowmaker should stay or be reworked, but I won’t hold that against you, so feel free to try anyway.
But yeah, she needs a rework.

Not OP, but I personally believe Widow should be reworked, if not for any other reason than the fact that her current status leaves her at a permanent standstill.

This isn’t related to her current status or opinions. Rather, it’s related to her overall historical record.

Blizzard is just so hesitant to change anything about her, because of her potential. She never gets updates except for tiny improvements that were 3-6 months too late, when the meta has already shifted.

I mean, for crying out loud, they haven’t even bugfixed her. It’s been 6 months since I posted a megathread of bugs that she has that was allegedly passed on to QA by a community manager, and they barely scratched anything (they only fixed 3 cosmetic bugs, and one FFA Deathmatch Infrasight bug).

Clearly, her cutthroat character and balance have made it so that she isn’t a priority in this game, and that’s not right. All heroes deserve fair and equal treatment and the right to a speedy bugfix.

If they rework her so that she’s not a terribly cutthroat character, they’d actually prioritize her developments. They’d throw people a bone with a minor buff here or there when she’s clearly suffering (especially when the dominant meta straight up counters her, unwaveringly, for 4 seasons straight).

She could finally get some power creep… instead of being crept upon.

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Waaaaaiiiit, is this a troll post? Sweet, ive heard so much about those. Are they as fun as people make tgem out to be?

Do you know what you just did?
I wasn’t in the mood for constructive stuff as I haven’t seen any on OW forums in a long time, but here you run in and post constructive stuff.
You’re breaking my CHILL, man!

No, it’s not officially that, but you can have fun fighting windmills.
I’m just a guy who wants to eat so I keep 'em maintained, and they never stop spinning.
Metaphorically, of course.

I’m broken from over 20 months of arguing about Widow.

The lack of blue communication and acknowledgment, the community’s constant ego-tripping and rank shaming.

I’m tired of it all.

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Hey, wanna be my friend? I think we share things in common, like:

  1. Being broken.

I’m actually serious about this, I haven’t spoken to a friend in over a month and the only human contact I get anymore is online forums.

Learn to aim. You will find her fun. Ty

1v1 me and I’ll show you that I know how to aim, big guy.

Huh, did not expect a Don Quixote reference. Thats about as unexpected as four orange pips in a letter.

What makes you so sure we are human?

I’m not as well versed in cultural references as you think I am, so I’m afraid I’m not confident regarding the four orange pips. But I’d hazard to say that to someone who is familiar with those, it’s elementary.

You’re my best option for human contact, real or not.
Sometimes the blue pill is the only option if survival’s of any interest.

If youre up for a battle of literary references, I’ll be there and back again.