Widowmaker Rework

I’m glad to have a guy with 420 hours on Widowmaker talk to me about what’s fun. Man, what a shame I’m not in the pro scene so I can’t have all of that fun he’s having.

Best Buff for widow maker, headshots now do 150 damage.


I said in my opinion and i brought up my hours to prove the extent of my belief. Im not sure why that warrants that kind of response.

It’s not a new opinion. And backing that opinion with hours isn’t new either.

And that warrants a rude response, i see.

When there’s so many of you, I can’t dedicate equal amount of love to each one. Sorry. I apologize for being rude to you.

I think Hanzo’s hitbox should be increased a little.
Maybe that might pretty much solve the entire problem :joy:

This thread was started before Hanzo’s rework.
No, fiddling with Hanzo’s hitbox won’t solve how boring Widowmaker’s kit is.

Most definitely. I’m a widow main and now even Hanzo overshadows her.

Small difference man, she is not fun to play for YOU. Maybe you could try to get really good with her and get kills, and look all of a sudden she is so much more fun.

But I am good at her. I get kills all the time. I kill everyone I meet. I’m efficient. I can’t say I’m very polite because I’m gonna say that your post is stupid.
I won’t say anything else. It’s up to you to figure out why I think what you’re saying is stupid.
But I am an excellent Widowmaker. Trust me.

I cant disagree with your post; she’s missing -something-. I can snipe well in every FPS except overwatch; i’m inconsistent with widow and I don’t know why. It may just be how movement works in this game or the ridiculous amounts of particle effects but I’m unable to utilize her to her fullest.

That said, about the only things I’d change about her would be to remove her sniper trail, punch up her assault rifle just a little bit, and do something about her godawful ult. wallhack is nice and all, but it was much better before she announced it to the whole match.

I think it’s Overwatch’s hit detection that makes her tricky to play when moving from other FPS games. It’s too tight. A lot of other FPS games have a very particular feel of how the sniper rifle works.
In Overwatch, it’s a completely different weapon by feel, but still long-range and one-shot.

Two things: a.) You clearly don’t understand how to use the word “foil” in this context. b.) Widowmaker is one of-if not the best-hitscan hero in the game. Why rework them?

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What? Please elaborate, good sir linguist, for am I a man of simple thoughts and not first languages, and not even second either.

She ain’t fun for me to play as.

As for you, sir, this forum’s engine may not bring up a thesaurus or a style guide with every word I type, but it does

  1. offer you the option
  2. of letting you make nice, formatted lists
  3. without any effort at all.

That’s all I wanted to say to you. Please, mister, if there’s any other wisdom you can teach me regarding the meaning of words, I’m all ears.
Or perhaps you wanted to share your expertise regarding thin sheets of materials or metals? In that case, I consider myself to be interested in a lot of things, so I’ll gladly hold a conversation on material engineering with you.

Define fun? If you’re looking for a Widowmaker for EZ use, won’t happen.

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As in I pick Widowmaker and think, “Man, I’m in an ability-based shooter. If I wanted a point-and-click adventure, I could be playing… not this.”
As in I play against Widowmaker and think, “Man, I’m in an ability-based shooter. If I wanted to deal with long-range railguns in an FPS, I could be playing… not this.”

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I think you’re right about hit detection. Even after playing since release it still feels off.

What I’ve noticed is that it’s the very definition of hitscan - you click and the thing being damaged is literally the thing under your cursor at the time of the click, no network adjustment, no lag compensation, no phantom hitboxes that other games have.
It’s an interesting take on FPS netcode and I definitely can appreciate actually shooting and hitting exactly where I shot for once, but that still leaves Widowmaker a boring option in an ability-based shooter, both to play as or against.

She is perfectly balanced, as it should be.
Don’t try to change it.