man ,I love ppl like you making a claim, and then not explaining HOW to deal with her beside ''skill issue or ‘‘you did it wrong’’ but actually NOT explaining a single thing.
I suppose is one of those troll posts.
man ,I love ppl like you making a claim, and then not explaining HOW to deal with her beside ''skill issue or ‘‘you did it wrong’’ but actually NOT explaining a single thing.
I suppose is one of those troll posts.
Eh, just keep whining about her and Blizzard will nerf her or rework her. It worked for all the other characters
When that day comes, this game is dead to me.
I explained earlier in the the topic, scroll up if you want it
link it because I’m not goin to scroll 63 posts
Near universal counterplay from most heroes in the game.
Which could take the form of
A. 150hp
B. Grapple breaks and loses momentum if Widow takes damage
C. Taking 1 point of damage removes Widow’s scope-in charge
D. A red laser is visible whenever Widow scopes in
E. Convert the instakill into damage-over-time
You got 38 heroes in the game, and only 3 of them have ranged instakills.
They should design the game around medium killspeeds, not tactical shooter killspeeds.
Nah, your problem, not mine. I ain’t a teacher.
ok so you’re a troll, got the picture right, you’re just offending everyone else that don’t think like you.
How about not peek or stand in her line of sight use game sense to know where shes at and how to navigate? Its to ez
Every character can deal with Widow provided they can get close enough, she does not limit your options because she does not counter anything outright, other than Pharah anyways.
Widow provides you oppurtunity to play more characters since you don’t need anything specific to deal with her
If you think I’m a troll, then you’re never gonna solve your problems
Causing the Widow player to repositioning isn’t good enough.
If you got a hero that can instakill from across the map, then they need a higher degree of counterplay than “Well they had to stand somewhere else for a little bit”.
You absolutely do need specific heroes of you want to actually kill the Widow player, without them having an easy retreat option.
And counterplay that’s boring, like standing behind a wall or a barrier 90% of the match isn’t “Interesting” counterplay design.
ye, ppl don’t get that you can’t dive a widow in narnia, you just have to go widow and try to snipe her back, sadly not everyone (me too) can play widow, this is the paradox of this game.
If its so easy to play widowmaker, why don’t you play widowmaker and just dominate?
You will see what happens in higher ranks.
It is good enough though
If counterplay isn’t 1. Possible, 2. Clearly Telegraphed, 3. Interesting. Then it’s objectively bad.
What makes you think spending the majority of the game hiding behind a wall or barrier, is Interesting?
What makes you think ranged instakills from across the map, is Clearly Telegraphed?
For example, here’s how a lot of other games deal with that.
If that’s the case, Overwatch has been objectively bad since day 1 and is unsalvageable because it’s baked into the core of the game
Hasn’t stopped you tho
The game launched with the capability to have 5 Winstons and a Lucio on the team.
And they outside of Dive metas, it mostly centered around excessively defensive metas. Because those could deal with Snipers.
And that, yes, weakening and getting rid of most barriers, and getting rid of sniperhunting offtanks, actually does change things, in regards to Snipers.
widow could also bodyshot one shot at some point ?
your point being.
ok i coughed on sombra
dont judge me i dont play widow at all im a hanzo tracer main, just played a couple qp matches today for fun.
And the AWP can bodyoneshot anyone and can quickscope.
Players can get downed by any weapon, so i dont know whats your point. Overwatch as a whole is not created around such a mechanic in PvP.
And he can oneshot anyone in TF2 with a headshot and can bodyoneshot the majority of the characters. There are also no shield, hypermobile characters etc in this game.
In Overwatch Widowmaker is not nearly as strong as Sniper is in TF2 and there are also way more options in Overwatch to deny/counter a Widow compared to Sniper in TF2.