Widowmaker is ridiculous

TBH, most widow issue people have is because they got rolled by a smurf widow or even aimbot widow(there are a lot recently even in lower ranks). The sad truth is many widow player has to play widow on a smurf account, since they got counterd and focused so hard, and it is not playable without pocket. Even gold player know how to counter widow now, when I destory enemy team with widow, they switch to dva genji and winston, all diving on me the same time. I got solo ult 6 times by enemy team in a single round, got solo nano bladed, solo nano primal rage. Sometimes enemy team dont even play objective anymore, and all chasing me to the point that they c9ed and lost, yet this is gold and plat games, imgaine how bad widow can get focused in higher rank.


Because GOATS was literally created,by a contenders team with no good widow players, with the sole purpose of countering widow.

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True, and thats even more buffling to me. And I don’t know why they keep widow how she is when it clearly failed.

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She’s a sniper. She’s supposed to be difficult and oppressive. Snipers are also a staple of any fps game. Believe me, if you think Widow is bad, try playing Battlefield 1 with the sniper “sweet spot” mechanic (where if you hit a target in the chest within a specific range, it’s a 1 shot kill).

Sniping also requires skill. It’s honestly not that easy to click a head at range (if it was, we’d all be Widow mains).

As for countering her, positioning is key (and honestly not that hard). There’s a ton of natural cover on every map in the game, and your friendly Reinhardt or Orisa is always a good (though not always reliable) barrier.

If, in the end, you’re that frustrated by Widow, then you can always learn to play a tank. Can’t be sniped by Widow if you have high health 4Head


What are you talking about. Widow takes insane skill, and if u can’t out skill her on another character then u don’t belong at that rank. Plus WHY ARE YOU talking, you are a sym player. Talk about un fun heroes to play against


Well you know

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I’m saying people argue that barriers, erratic movement, positioning etc don’t actually counter Widow because she can just click heads. But the meta has shown that to distinctly not be the case. “Have the better widow” clearly falls short of a defensive playstyle. In fact the only comps she dominates are those that don’t make use of barriers (people are flabbergasted that hiscan devastates 4dps comps). GOATS wasn’t just good into widow it was good into every conventional comp only leaving silly troll comps like 4dps to stand a chance. That comp never got played before this because it’s so easy to counter with swaps.

In dive at pro level she was strong but not required. Tracer was her par. Genji was also still doing fine.

Vs bunker on attack she won’t be that good. Bunker defence she’ll be good.

She had like two weeks of sometimes subbing out Brig for double sniper meta (Hanzo was the required dps).

My overall conclusion is she was never irreplaceable and the things that people say don’t counter her have done a great job of doing so for the last year.

It’s almost like a comp made to hard counter the most OP DPS is in turn going to beat out literally every other DPS as well.

Who everrrr would have thought that to be the case!?

Oh wait, people with logic and brains.

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It’s bizarre that you ended up in a category with people like that.

Might sound weird but don’t be afraid to fight her if you know she’s not insane, with mei it’s pretty easy to headshot her.

If you play heroes that can’t kill her avoid her line of sight all the time.

Her most reliable counter is Orisa imo, if your teams stands behind the shield she’s basically useless if you position well so she can’t flank you.

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You are used to this dreamland, because all other mechanically demanding heroes apart from Ana are being hit hard by cheese & overpowered healing.

You think “the dominating Widow” is causing the problem, when the problem is that you shouldn’t even be in Diamond in the first place IF this game was overall balanced based on individual skill like other competitive shooters. You should be a rank or two lower, and there should be a capable DPS player contesting that Widow as Genji/Tracer/Sombra/DF or as Widow herself.

Also, if that was the case, the enemy Widow wouldn’t be getting 100% consistent risk-free heals from Mercy or Brig as the Genji pushes, because those people would be also playing with you in the lower ranks instead.

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The only time I ever complain about widow is when they are on my team.

What do you do when your team constantly runs into the enemy widow, you beg and plead to form up and use the map for cover, to try and coordinate dive on her, but your team constantly feeds.

Also this happens to me in gold pretty much every 3 -4 games or so.

Some games are just like that. To paraphrase something Seagull said, 1/3rd of your games are almost certain losses, 1/3rd are almost certain wins, and 1/3rd can go either way, but it’s up to you to perform to make it a win.

The example you provided fits into the 1/3rd of games that are almost certain losses (barring a miracle or someone on the enemy team disconnecting).

If your team isn’t listening, it’s on them. They’re going to be held back by their poor positioning. Focus then on what you can control: your performance, your positioning, and your mechanics. Up to you to perform to the best of your ability in your wins and your losses alike.

Believe me, I’m in plat and it happens almost as much here XD.

how was this even an argument? Mei by all accounts should be great against widow, because she can wall off sight lines
 except widow has this wonderful mechanic that grapples her 30m in any direction so she can find a new one instantly.