Widowmaker is ridiculous

Very unfun to play against and feels unstoppable. Almost every other game there is a widowmaker under level 100 dominating competitive games.


Your two most played is symmetra and mei. No wonder you think widow is op. Try playing something that can actually counter its much more fun after that.
Next time you have this ‘widow is sooooo op’ thought go sombra and invis right up behind them and shoot widow in the head. You are never going to counter widow as sym lol.

Bronze widow vs gm sym…who wins? use your brain man!


Not the only one who thinks this.



How does this make sense compared to any other DPS?

They all get one shot.

Or GM Sym VS Diam/Masters Widow

Who wins?

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How do you think? heroes with literally no range except slow moving orbs are not going to counter a sniper. Symmetras are super easy to kill for widow its like free kills. Sym can NEVER contest you at all. You know who doesnt say how op widows are? Sombra, hammond, lucio, there are many characters that dont immediately die to widows every single time with no chance of surviving.

Widow always wins thats the point. Sym no matter their rank cant kill widow effectively. Complaining that widow is op when you mostly play a character like sym is funny (hilarious even).

Learn to snipe widow with a mei rclick.
Drives widows nuts as well as walling them off.
Dont stick your head out.
Widow isnt really a issue.


Completely ignored my point and a very important one actually.

For good reason im sure.

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Not every character gets one shot. Not every character is as easy to hit as others. Widows DO miss sometimes lol. The point was ignored because its not a point. Most other dps tanks and most healers do not struggle against widow.

OP is a sym main. Do you think ALL other characters struggle to kill widows? Its natural that a sym main would think widow is op. That doesnt make it valid. A lot of other characters think widow is easy to play against.

Widows though lol at sym mains especially when they think if they just try harder it will work. Its literally free kills when they dont change.

Think for a moment what is sym going to do to widow? Teleport up to them and hope they dont move? You can literally shoot the turrets as they fly through the air coming at you. Sym cant do things against widow unless a widows hook messes up or something.

That’s not what i said,

I said every other DPS gets one shot.

Of course tanks are an exception.


Because other DPS such as Sombra and Genji can pressure widow into submission and render her useless.
It’s a nightmare to play widow if 1) enemy team have a better widow or 2) constantly being harassed by heroes that can close the gap.

Playing widow vs a team built for brawl will obviously make the life easier for her. Not going for mobility vs widow is like not going hitscan (or stronk hanzo) vs pharah.

Not my point,

My point was ALL other DPS get one shot.

Yes Sombra can Harass widow, but you have to challenge her 1v1 and if she hits the flick or headshot your done.

Same with Genji after the deflect is baited.

This is the problem im trying to state.

What effectively counters her on paper is irrelevant if the one shot connects, this is the problem.


You are creating a scenario that rarely exists in actual game play. Its so extremely hard to hit a close shot like that and the time it takes to scope in will likely result in you already being dead.

You should give widow a try its not all just hit headshots and win.


Rarely? It’s far from rare.

Found that anything higher than Plat SR and Widows can reliably aim.

Or just go quick play you’ll find a widow in 9/10 games that has there hours on her and can also aim.

Good widows don’t run when dived by Genji or Sombra they stand there ground and challenge back.

If you win the 1v1 enough times that Sombra will stop trying honestly.


Not to mention the Mercy pocket that usually accompanies the Widow more so than any other DPS in the roster.


If you are one tricking or one/two mains in dps slot. You can only go so far and nothing more.


ok you got me nothing beats widow. might as well give up when the other side has one

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Again, not what i said.

I said points that are true and far from a secret, and if you can’t challenge my points or have lost interest than feel free to find another way to spend your time?


i just love how the only person in here defending widow is the obvious widow main.


You make an argument based on widow being allowed to start the fight with a charged up gun and free LoS over a noticeable range.

The TTK most flankers have is low enough to consistently take widow out over and over so a few lucky flickshots wouldnt really be enough to change the outcome in her favor. The whole one shot one kill aspect of her design obviously leaves her weak in some other important ways.

obviously the GM symm…

TP beside Widow while she’s scoped in and you’ll probably laser her to death before she even realizes she’s getting melted…