Widowmaker is Literally THE Problem

I know that she is selling those overpriced skins but how long will it take for them to finally accept the fact that this hero is main problem in the game and that one shot has no place in this game compared to OW and 6v6? The game changed so much with 5v5 and it’s absolutely ridiculous that this hero stayed exactly the same!
Paladins is another 5v5 game, Paladins has TWO snipers and neither of them can one shot! Yes, they can take like 80% of health to any character but Tanks, but they CAN’T one shot!

Widowmaker is a big, big issue and when she is in the match it’s usually all about her, how to counter her, how to make her swap and how the make the experience LESS MISERABLE! Remove her one shot ability and give her better close range damage and better chances to win 1v1 up close. It’s the only way!


Snipers are always an issue in any PVP game. PVE is fine, you can blow the brains out of bots all day and they never complain. Only worry there is the game being “too easy” with sniper riffles.

But OW used to work better, before they removed the second tank, before they nerfed shields into the ground and so on. They basically removed every counter hitscan hero’s had in the game, gave them the added benefit of most newer maps having insanely long sight lines and little cover around objectives and then wonder why they are a problem.

The real issue though it’s not just Widow. Hanzo can one shot fairly easily, Ashe I believe still does so with dmg boost, and lets be honest two taps are not much better at those distances.

Asking for one body shot and one head shot from a HS hero is no big issue with no real counter play other than hide in cover or out snipe them with your own widow.


Another of these threads.

Y’know what, I’m going to start playing Widow a lot more now. Just to grind people’s nerves. Y’all seem hell bent on refusing to adapt to a Widow on the field, so I should have no problem cleaning up.

Would it surprise you that a winning strategy that’s boring and frustrating, is boring and frustrating.

And that “boring and frustrating” are bad qualities to have in a videogame?


I dislike widow as much as the next guy but 5v5 is the problem, not her. Once you nerf her then you gotta look at hanzo, Ana, zen, etc it just keeps continuing.

The issue is blizzard was supposed to do universal nerfs when 5v5 launched. They kept most characters the same which ended up being insane buffs. Barely any characters are balanced for solo tank play and still behave exactly like they would have pre role queue era like the snipers.


You say that like it’s difficult.

[OW2] Weekend PatchNotes I'm in the mood for:


this right here is what people need to hear

switching to 5v5 without reworking every hero has left the game in the most unbalanced state it has ever been

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