Widowmaker Health Nerf

You can’t be serious. She can deny huge LOS in some maps. And if your other co-support insta-locks ana, it’s kind of hard to always stay away from widow’s LOS. I mean if widow never has LOS of supports, wouldn’t that make her unplayable? Not to mention there are plenty of distractors in this game like wrecking ball and tracer which will force the supports to move to a more vulnarable position.

Yes but dying to a one shot in a more reliable manner than hanzo is what makes it more oppressive. At least with hanzo’s logs, it’s less reliable and more RNG. Heck, you can even peek at the enemy hanzo without there being a near guarantee of you being headshot, which isn’t the case with widow.

I’m saying all of this even though widowmaker is one of my top 3 favorite hero in overwatch. Again, I’m not saying she needs nerfs, I’m just trying to explain the reasoning behind why it can feel frustrating to play against her.


Yo got that right, true widow mains don’t ask for mercy pockets, they don’t chat in voice chat to team, they won’t swap even if the enemy runs Winston Lucio tracer.They will however swap to tracer to touch points on defence or if the enemy has a seriously wretched hamster.

They also don’t care about win or loose.

To reduce her survivability.

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Or maybe your pick of hero or what you’re good at doesn’t mean anything or make you “special” and people who choose that hero primarily have just as many whiny, toxic humans behind those keyboards as any other character.


Nein, there’s a reason only a handful can play her those who know the whey.

If not friend, why friend-shaped?
:pleading_face: :baguette_bread: :fr:


You making cheese?

There are an absolute ton of people out there who are good at aiming and clicking on things.

It’s a fair nerf imo. Having a potential one shot hitscan from any range has the same insane skill ceiling as Tracer being able to blink and be near unhittable. So having less than 200 HP is ok.

For free baguettes😂

True but not at the requirements needed to main widowmaker effectively.
There is a really high entry skill floor interms of aim there, one that can only be achieved by being serious and disciplined about aim.

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Because they nerfed the fall-off range of the other hitscans which makes it way harder for them to do meaningful damage to her.

Also because she’s so far in the back that if you do dive her you’re going to have to use all your cd’s, which in the devs eyes warrant a kill.

I think the change was mainly aimed towards shifting how her and the other hitscans interact with eachother

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NOT THE BAGUETTE :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:


Mercy is unironically a Widow counter. She undoes any pick that Widow gets, she doesn’t need LOS to heal, she can use GA to get to any cover she needs, and her ultimate is literally a Widow killer.

All of Zen’s abilities work without LOS. And when he does want to LOS, he can literally 1 shot Widow himself.

You do need to position yourself to take into consideration the enemy Widow with Ana. But that’s not different than positioning yourself according to enemy team comp with literally every hero. Do you just stand out in the open playing support when the enemy team doesn’t have a Widow or something?

Yes, 100% serious. Widow is not a big deal playing support, as you typically don’t have to deal with the Widow. Getting LOS denied is not a Widow specific thing, as mentioned above, you must adjust your positioning according to the enemy team comp & everyone’s positions. And most supports do not need LOS to begin with.

Sounds like you have a problem with Ball & Tracer, not Widow. That is a separate argument than Widow being a menace to supports.

So all those buff Genji threads where made by casuals?


The counterplay just wasn’t there before the HP nerf. Widow was just too survive-able for the amount of value she can bring.

It was that or reduce her ceiling value.


Mercy is one of the few support that can do their job without worrying as much about their positioning thanks to her mobility, I agree. But in ranked games, mercy lacks solo carry potential. So having to switch to mercy to not die to widowmaker means you won’t have as much self-agency in the game.

That’s why I prefer to go ana when the enemy has a widow. Since then, I can be a main-healer, have one of the most powerful utilities in the support roster and even be able to contest the widow myself sometimes.

His orb of harmony requires LOS to stay on actually. Once he loses LOS of his teammates, it’s gone after 3 seconds.

A good zenyatta player can volley a widowmaker for sure. But it’s only safe to do that if you’re behind a shield, or you have enough game sense to the point where you’re able to react to the enemy widow first before she reacts to you. And for you to even be able to that, you’d have to be at least 2 ranks or higher than the enemy widowmaker herself. Even Awkward, a rank 1 zen player frequently died to diamond widowmaker in Havana: https://youtu.be/XaO4hNAz_rI?t=6629

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Made by genji mains probably :joy:

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she destroyed 2 years of comp, forced goats then double shield. there was one optional pick in grave dragon, the hitscan dps. widow had 7% and that is only because certain maps dont favor her.

Mercy isn’t a widow counter at all, she can deny some value and if you are unaware and take a ego duel in bad position punish a widow.

Zen needs los every 3 secs on his orbs, his main ability is DMG if he isn’t shooting orbs in he is not contributing much, also unless you got an off angle or shield or you know widow is engaged peeking widow as zen is bad , zen 5 volley is easy to dodge at those range were as widow hs is not.

Because she can one-shot from far away and they buffed falloff damage and didn’t see that coming.

I think Widowmaker, like Doom should trade power for more speed. She had a very neat scope cancel tech at launch. It was very OP, but perhaps it could be brought back in an intentional form giving her speed and consistency to her power while removing her one shot.

But with this tech, she could easily two shot you in a 0.6 second gap after a 3 charge HS, and she won’t be a frail duelist anymore.

Seems like a better archetype for her as her cinematics strongly suggest she favors speed.

Now that I think about it, perhaps when she has Infrasight active under this rework, it could grant Widow’s kiss a 4th charge level that has 120 dmg 2.5x hs multiplier. Meaning a headshot would deal 300 dmg if it charges for long enough for 4th charge level during Infrasight.

She was rarely affected by fall-off damage calculations. IIRC it only matters in Havana, Junkertown, Kings Row, and Illios Ruins.