Widow and Hanzo are just plain broken. There is no 'and' 'if' or 'but'. WAKE UP AND NERF THEM

Watching it again, is it just for primary or Storm Arrow? Because Storm Arrow is the ability. Storm Bow is the primary.

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…but hey, let’s nerf Doomfist.


Don’t forget Hanzo has zero downtime to his attack while other characters have to actually reload or wait for their cooldowns to come back.


If anything genji needs a buff lmao.


You’re right that Hanzo has the most strengths, but one thing he does lack is consistent damage. Even the best players won’t land all their shots.


The Devs refusing to balance snipers basically ruined this game

We ended up with GOATS and other tank heavy comps because people realized you had to run heros that can’t simply be randomly deleted by Hanzo and Widow

The Dev response to that was basically making Mei and Reaper broken

So now we have even more broken BS and even less reason to play the other heroes.

Then they throw out 2/2/2 without reverting any of those nerfs and everyone goes Double Barrier because it’s literally the only way not to get Frozen/Deleted/Punchbot CC’d/Reaper outhealing your damage

The Dev response to that is not fixing the original problem? Or at least reverting all the GOATS/Tank buster broken ness?

Nope, clearly the answer is to nerf barriers

And, as predicted, we finally get “nerfs” to Mei and Hanzo and they are of course token BS that does nothing


Going as far as to say snipers don’t belong in the game isn’t fair.

The way these snipers work right now? They’re broken. If they were properly balanced it would be a lot more tolerable.


The biggest problems with the snipers in OW is they ignore the general rule of snipers in FPS that they are extremely vulnerable up close and have very little escape. That’s suppose to be their trade off for their insane damage from afar. Blizzard in their infinite wisdom decided to throw away this rule and made sure they can be just as dangerous up close. Making the game have to adapt around them. Which continues to drive it further into the mud.


Who cares about power. The mechanics are so dumb and oppressive. You have long range sniper champions that when you close the distance on them, they one shot you in the head and you die.

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Yes because in a game where most fights occur mid-close range and where characters can close gaps by pressing one button and where DPS characters have to change angles in order to bypass shields and damage can be healed instantly, snipers should roll over and die just because you pressed a key and closed the gap.

OW is not a traditional fps, it can’t be balanced like one.


Just here to point out that the buffed Dva is a HARD counter to Widowmaker. Widow’s 12 second hook means that Dva can chase FOUR TIMES if Widow misuses hook ONCE. I would not expect Widow to be good at all in the next patch.


Hanzo easily operates at mid range and is OP because of it. Widow can just park behind a shield and decimate. Just because the game operates as a hybrid doesn’t mean the general rule about snipers should be ignored. Even Riot understands this, Caitlyn’s snipe is her ultimate.


Idk how much they can be nerfed in damage though because if they dont have one shot capability or fast projectiles then what would be the point of playing them… for sure i think hanzo should get an increased jump cooldown to reduce his mobility and give him reduced damage to shields so he doesnt overshadow more shield breaker characters.

You don’t understand this game at all.

Did you really just use a MOBA which has no similar mechanics to FPS games to back up your argument? And used Caitlyn of all champions who plays the least like a sniper of all ADCs in that game?


Stay mad OP.

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My counter to that is that he can miss twice, but how long does that take? He only has to hit your head once. How much damage can you do to him in that time before he one-shots you from full health to dead? And why assume that every other character is doing 100% dps during the same encounter?

Everyone misses some. To say that’s a weakness of Hanzo as if it’s not true for other characters is really reaching for something, anything, to excuse away obvious problems with the character design.


This is ur problem dude :slight_smile:

I’ve been mad for over a year so it’s not anything new.

Stay a virgin.

Oh wait was that too immature? I thought we were handing each other pre-school level insults.

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The problem is if no one in ur team can kill them … in my opinion these two characters must have skills to play with them so this is the point of that … these two skillful heros are insane to play

My problem is 3 gm accounts, can u derank them for me pls ? thank u!