Widow and Hanzo are just plain broken. There is no 'and' 'if' or 'but'. WAKE UP AND NERF THEM

The amount of time these 2 heroes have been allowed to dominate so many aspects of the game without punishment is beyond my comprehension. Pretty much everyone at every rank in agreement in thinking Hanzo is OP; and pretty much everyone Plat and up can tell you that Widow is too oppressive.

What boggles my mind even further is the tone deaf change they made to Hanzo on the PTR:


Are the developers really going to sit there; with their self proclaimed high-ground in claiming to know what’s best for the game, and GIVE US THIS?

Bear in mind, still no changes to Widow.

This does NOTHING to address his issues. Sure his arrows are stupid fast but that doesn’t mean JACK if he has a tool for every situation at his disposal.

Insane Mobility? :ballot_box_with_check:
One shots? :ballot_box_with_check:
Burst Damage? :ballot_box_with_check:
Shield Breaker? :ballot_box_with_check:
Tank Buster? :ballot_box_with_check:
Utility? :ballot_box_with_check:
Flanking power? :ballot_box_with_check:
Amazing Combo Ultimate (with a fast charge rate)? :ballot_box_with_check:
Weaknesses? :x:

HE IS A JACK OF ALL TRADES. If you say otherwise you are LYING to yourself and everyone around you. He is STUPID in every regard.

What about Widow though? She’s not nearly as nuts as Hanzo is but she is till far too oppressive for a sniper character in any regard


In so many other games Snipers have amazing burst damage and kill potential but there are many things to hinder them from doing this.

Bullet drop, falloff, low mobility, insane scope zoom, scope sway, flinching, long charge times.

Widow has approximately 0 of these. As a result she is a point and click adventure hero that can dominate an entire game on her own for no reason. It’s not okay that one character can decide the outcome of a match in a TEAM game. It completely goes against the design philosophy of team work and coordination. There is so little you can do against a Widow unless she is either bad or you cower behind shields (got nerfed btw). Otherwise. GG unless you have a Widow that can challenge her.

The only thing you can really do to a Widow most of the time is jump her. Even then she can just grapple away to her team. The small 2 second addition to her grapple did nothing to alleviate that.

Did I mention she doesn’t even need to fully charge her weapon to get a kill on 85% of this game’s roster?.

I’m seriously fed up with it. Forget for a moment these 2 characters are broken. There are so many other characters in this game that just don’t do anything and have fallen so far behind because of the support and dps power creep that’s been part of this game for so long. Sustain damage by default is just not worth using anymore. You can use burst on absolutely everything in this game and do just fine which is why it’s the only viable option.

I hate to bring it up but at least in League of Legends tanks can survive characters designed to burst squishier champions. Instead in Overwatch burst characters shred through everything.



Get your act together.



Genji (you know, the hero that’s considered not very good at the moment) does better than Widow in plat and diamond, at masters they’re pretty much tied with regards to win- and pickrates. Only in GM is she doing better and even then she’s more or less in the middle of the barrel compared to the whole roster. Personally the only oppressive Widows that I encountered were smurfs or cheaters and I play in the plat range. She’s really not the problem that you make her out to be.

Hanzo should never have gotten that rework though.


Widow and Hanzo are both issues and in desperate need of tuning


theres no tuning. snipers make overwatch unfun, this is a game where its fun to contest stuff on point. its not fun to be denied access to the point from very far away. thats not really a heros kit, thats a AWP from counter strike. theres nothing special or interesting about that interaction


Dude id rather play againts a mei,sym,brig,moira than have to deal with broken as snipers getting kills with no counter play, widow can hs from oblivion mid fight, hanzo can do that oh but better close mid range and spam your tanks oh i forgot you also have a jump ability n a 5sec cooldown lit avoid any dive hero, i really hope they nerf them somehow, snipers dont belong in this game, theres a reason why 90% of the heroes are close/mid range , widow just breaks those rules and its like playing overwatch vs cod snipers


Oddly enough in 12 bronze games have seen 1 widow ( was on my team ) and 0 hanzo
Not sure if that is a skill thing and at lower SR they are ineffective or what but have not seen either.
Every match there is a zooming genji that kills almost everyone over and over. Genji needs his mobility seriously reduced.


TLDR version
My hanzo/widow is absolute zero, the only thing i can is to complain.


i mean thats like your opinion man.


Imagine thinking Widow is broken. Sims might be a better game for you.


Watching it again, is it just for primary or Storm Arrow? Because Storm Arrow is the ability. Storm Bow is the primary.

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…but hey, let’s nerf Doomfist.


Don’t forget Hanzo has zero downtime to his attack while other characters have to actually reload or wait for their cooldowns to come back.


If anything genji needs a buff lmao.


You’re right that Hanzo has the most strengths, but one thing he does lack is consistent damage. Even the best players won’t land all their shots.


The Devs refusing to balance snipers basically ruined this game

We ended up with GOATS and other tank heavy comps because people realized you had to run heros that can’t simply be randomly deleted by Hanzo and Widow

The Dev response to that was basically making Mei and Reaper broken

So now we have even more broken BS and even less reason to play the other heroes.

Then they throw out 2/2/2 without reverting any of those nerfs and everyone goes Double Barrier because it’s literally the only way not to get Frozen/Deleted/Punchbot CC’d/Reaper outhealing your damage

The Dev response to that is not fixing the original problem? Or at least reverting all the GOATS/Tank buster broken ness?

Nope, clearly the answer is to nerf barriers

And, as predicted, we finally get “nerfs” to Mei and Hanzo and they are of course token BS that does nothing


Going as far as to say snipers don’t belong in the game isn’t fair.

The way these snipers work right now? They’re broken. If they were properly balanced it would be a lot more tolerable.


The biggest problems with the snipers in OW is they ignore the general rule of snipers in FPS that they are extremely vulnerable up close and have very little escape. That’s suppose to be their trade off for their insane damage from afar. Blizzard in their infinite wisdom decided to throw away this rule and made sure they can be just as dangerous up close. Making the game have to adapt around them. Which continues to drive it further into the mud.


Who cares about power. The mechanics are so dumb and oppressive. You have long range sniper champions that when you close the distance on them, they one shot you in the head and you die.

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Yes because in a game where most fights occur mid-close range and where characters can close gaps by pressing one button and where DPS characters have to change angles in order to bypass shields and damage can be healed instantly, snipers should roll over and die just because you pressed a key and closed the gap.

OW is not a traditional fps, it can’t be balanced like one.


Just here to point out that the buffed Dva is a HARD counter to Widowmaker. Widow’s 12 second hook means that Dva can chase FOUR TIMES if Widow misuses hook ONCE. I would not expect Widow to be good at all in the next patch.