Wide Group Triggers too Easy. (Picture for Context/Evidence)

In general, it makes sense, but my wife and I were trying to queue together today but couldn’t find any games because our group was considered ‘wide.’ In like, season 1 I got into bronze and we returned to try the new season. Her account had never queued ranked before.

After a five minute queue we decided to just solo queue, which sucks because we really wanted to play together, but then our queues pop at the same time and she’s on the enemy team!?

How does this make sense, if our group is wide, but we solo ladder queue into the same game?

P.S. I destroyed her as any good husband would…but she did get a elim on me :frowning:

I’m DarkslayerTV and she’s Hollyphoenix:

Edit: Spelling.


should’ve let her win XD
that’s crazy that the MM decides you guys are a wide group but then puts u in the same lobby


She’s got thick skin! Honestly she’d be more mad if she found out I went easy. :joy: