Whys Symmetra never seem to block much damage?

Her wall should slow anyone who runs through it.


Well, it would be something more i guess. Her ult is just a bog standard barrier. The ‘infinite’ range on it is rendered useless to be quite honest.

It’s too strong to be a regular move but too weak to be an ult. It sits in the middle.

its literally just a wall… your teammates never use it too…
sg/tp were much better ultimates, stronger, more fun and unique. i loved hiding them…


Ye agreed.

(20 Characters)

The reason it never blocks much damage is because the amount of health it has makes it practically impossible to break in its duration so no one even bothers shooting it.


Boop, hey there, heard your want more work from a Barrier: 🥺 Blizzard should really comment on Sym, pretty please? (All The Cherries!)

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Not what i was on about, regardless of how many times you use it. Look in tab and it shows how much total damage it has blocked. Doesn’t matter if you use it 5 times or once it doesn’t block a lot.

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Yes and I told you why that is.

The wall is useful as heck when placed well. Whenever a Sym on my team places a good wall down, it’s so relieving to know that I probably won’t be dying for the next 15 seconds.

Same as with most other shields to be quite honest.

Yeah, but Symmetra’s shield isn’t going to break and is a lot more reliable. (Not to mention it’s infinite)

no one uses it though…

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Their loss? Doesn’t make it any less useful.

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Why she should? Wall is impossible to break so nobody shoots it.

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No, it is possible. It is easy to pass, simply walk through the enemy Symms wall and done

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then why are you saying its viable when no one uses it?

They use it without knowing they are using it… trust me. This is the strongest ultimate in the game against defensive players. Once it is up, I am out for however long it lasts and I am usually my team’s only source of reliable damage. There is no way I am getting close enough to shield dance though, as your teammates are too unpredictable. It is usually a capped point for them unless they have some sort of mental impairment.

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Which in turn, puts the enemy out of position, turns the fight from a 6v6 to a 6v<6 and enables shield dancing for your entire team (Which can be the difference between life and death, just ask any Orisa/Winston main)

…I’m saying it’s viable because it’s useful. Why are you saying no one uses it when you have no way of proving that?

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walking through it and dying isnt really using it but some people use it thankfully.

If you walk through it and begin dying, consider walking back through it. :slight_smile:

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