Why you might not be earning owl tokens

I am missing ten hours of tokens even tho I earn 90 tokens (missing 40 tokens) and I find out why I didn’t get them and why you might not be getting them even tho you are signed in.

You need to full screen the dang live stream and the first day I had the stream non full screen for two hours and then I full screened it that’s when I started getting the tokens.

Today I didn’t full screened it for the whole day. I didn’t even a single token even tho I was tuned in . Until I came back from playing Link’s Awakening and other stuff

I then realized the tablet I was watching on wasn’t full screened no biggy I want to play overwatch now so I log even I didn’t get and tokens no notification no change still at 190 tokens and that is when I put two and two together.

So if you are out there watching and not earning any tokens even tho you are signed in to your blizzard and linked maybe full screened the stream and see if that changes it.

Ill have to try it when they stream again

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i think you just need to be watching on the offical OWL website rather than youtube. i haven’t fullscreened and i earned 90 tokens myself

Nope I just been watching in the owl website but when ever I had the stream full screened I got the tokens if I had it non full screened I didn’t get any

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While most have been earning their tokens, there have been a variety of issues affecting many users. Please note, right now don’t worry too much as Overwatch League is now on a break until June 13th, and I have reported many of these issues to Blizzard Customer Service. In the meantime, if anyone did have issues that I have not helped yet here on the forums this weekend, go ahead and take a look at my guide that is pinned here in the general discussion forum:

I have been watching on the OWL website, non-full screen, and I’ve gotten all my tokens. I have it low volume in the background while I play Overwatch. Maybe if you didn’t get them, you probably had it muted? If not, then idk.

If you mute and minimize the window the browser may stop playback of a video. However this is not one of the major issues I have been tracking.

No I had to volume near max so I can hear it through the day and I just had that one tab but it’s is weird how when I was full screened it give the tokens to me and when I wasn’t I got nothing I compared with my sis tokens (she also saw the stream)

I started with 100 end with 190

She started with 100 and ended with 230

So that is just weird