Why would people play unfamiliar characters in comp?

So I feel like I’m beating a dead horse with this but whatever. Why. Oh why on Earth would people play characters they’re unfamiliar with/bad/new with in competitive. Seriously, the amount of games and SR I’ve lost because of a bad tank/dps/healer that doesn’t know how to do their job is staggering. Stuck in gold hell right now (this isn’t my main acc by the way, I play a different on Xbox) because of that one schizophrenic Genji or DPS Moira that can’t do their job. There’s quick play for this stuff, to master and get better with the characters you want to dominate with, competitive play isn’t the place for it. Medals and potg don’t matter either if it’s costing the match. Sorry if I sound livid and triggered, but this has been bugging me for the longest time. Even in group finder you get these people it seems.

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No idea why most do it. I personally wont Touch Hammond. I suck with him and feel he is and exploited hero. Same with Doomfist, he is too heavily exploited.

Im pretty Universal with the rest of the heroes, more so with probably half the roster.

Hammond is powerful but I get livid seeing someone on defense choose him on my team and rush forwards only to die and now we’re down a tank. Like, I don’t think the people who play him realize that spinning on the point doesn’t work anymore. It’s easy to counter him now that it’s crazy people still do it. McCree, Sigma, Brigitte, Ana, Lucio, Orisa, Mei, Sym, S76, Doomfist, Ashe, Doomfist, Pharah, Roadhog and Sombra can all stop or slow his velocity hard. That’s most of the roster, crazy people still use him no matter what map or mode.

I found Hammond easy to counter since he was released. I do find it stupid that he gets the same shield buff as doomfist so if you got DPS that has to reload when he is a sliver, he gets that stupid shield boost on his HP thats hard to take down fast.

honestly i assume its throwing 99% of the time. Legit just had a DPS instalock reaper and say ‘yea i have a 20% winrate but i don’t care. we have a zarya and no shield tank, I go this hero whenever I feel like im going to lose or when my team has a sh*t comp because i dont want to mess up my winrate on my main’ lol

Because most of your team mate want you to pick a hero that is meta or something like that. And if you can’t pick those heroes…you are now throwing, but if you do and ‘suck’ you are still counted as throwing.

Never win.


“meta” is honestly bs in my opinion. Unless you play a specific strategy and have one main group you can communicate or play with all the time it doesn’t work. If one of two people aren’t inn chat, it falls on its face. This coming from someone who steamrolled an enemy team trying to play the meta who were uncoordinated af

Its either throwers trying to soft throw so they dont get baned or reported…or they use the excuse that they cant truely pratice in qp cuz no one takes it serously. Both r BS reasons but that is the mentality of the ow community sadly :frowning:

Probably because the Youtube “coaches” say so. They say QP is a totally different environment and no one should learn a hero there. So, people listen.

There are a few reasons why people do that.

  1. Throwing / deranking - They are afraid of being reported for outright throwing so they play characters which they are unfamiliar with.
  2. Following a formula which they had read / watched from experts
  3. Alt Accounts - slightly different from (1), these players are legitimately trying to learn to play a character and are just bad at it for the moment.

Now, for (3), in some ways, i can kind of understand. Honestly, no other modes can compare nor accurately simulate the intensity, pace, excitement of Competitive Mode games. Also, no other mode, short of a custom game, has the same format whereby the teams switch places.

Hence, to find out if one is really improving at a character, the ideal proving ground is Competitive mode.

Not sure what you play, if it’s tank gold is a horrible place to be. Healers who DPS, DPS who cant kill anything.

You have to DPS as a healer in low ranks because DPS (and tanks) don’t kill anything. Facts.

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You’re not wrong. Horrible either way if you’re a tank

usually because they feel peer pressured into it, have to play meta or team yells at me although i never played mei etc.

or they don’t give a flick and just do whatever they like

so it’s both ends of the extreme, people who care to much and too little about meta

They don’t care.

And if everyone started at the bottom, then it wouldn’t matter. They’d sit there where they belong instead of being allowed to ruin everyone’s games for a month.