I don’t.


20 chars chara

Where did you pull the stat that everyone loves 1v1?

I don’t care for 1v1. It’s pretty boring.


The general consensus when talking with people about arcade modes is that 1v1 is the best.

I play neither of the 1v1 modes often, probably played them like 10 times all together.
I do love 4v4 though, but 1v1 is just meh.

I have never heard that general consensus tbh

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Actually, 95% of people disagree.

I did vote for Mystery Duel myself, though.


I’d much rather play Mystery Heroes, Total Mayhem, Low Gravity, or FFA DM as opposed to 1v1.

This game doesn’t revolve around 1v1’s so why should it be permanent. This is part of the reason why I believe MH is permanent, because it forces you to play different heroes you don’t want to, so you can get used to them.


i would love 1v1 permanent mode, or better yet, a 1v1 competitive mode. i think itd make it much more interesting and unique compared to the normal 6v6 thats normally shown off and featured.

The general consensus on this thread alone is that 1v1 isn’t enjoyable compared to other options, sorry mate. Myself included, brings the total to 6 out of 8 people on this thread disagreeing with your statement directly.

I get you like it, and I get some other people do too, so how about just saying “some people like 1v1”. Nothing wrong with that at all.


Blizzard’s current design for the Arcade only offers a limited amount of modes.

1 v 1’s appeal isn’t high enough at the present to merit a permanent slot under the current circumstances.

Personally, I don’t think I’ve done 1 vs 1 even 5x in over 500 hours of play

I’m more of a Total Mayhem person. Lets make that permanent instead:D


What’s good about a mode in which the defending team wins 99% of the time?

I rarely, if ever, hear anyone saying it’s best mode. And trust me, i talk with people about arcade almost every day.

Now Mystery Heroes and Total Mayhem on the other hand…

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i like ffa

You can do what you want in this gamemode. From Genji tryharding MAXIMUM to zero death hobo moira lurking in the sewers

and 1v1 for me is me vs too many smurfs

You lost me here.
I love playing my favorite game mode on the most balanced map in the game thank you.

I would rather play Mei Snowball Offensive than the 1v1 mode in arcade.


Everythings good. The satisfation of beating the defenders and the satisfaction of being a defender +dat exp

IMO there shouldn’t be any permanent arcade modes, but even if there are, 1v1 will never be one of them because very few people even like it.

Speak for yourself. I think 1v1 is pure trash and it’s a complete waste of an arcade slot.

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Personally I dont think any mode should be permanent. It just takes up a spot and people who dont like it gets less variety. Especially during events.