Why we need old mercy (not mercy main btw)

yes,you’re right. only OW forum-Mercy mains liked it.

That’s still a minority. That’s not accurate at all. :o

point is,Mass Rez is gone and it’s not coming back. the devs themselves said they want to put the notion of reverting her to rest.

I know what you meant. I’m just saying, the assumption was unneeded.

Nice convo, tho.

Lol, where?
Lets talk about how your playing mercy and all of your team leaves you, how are you suppose to use this mobility to get anywhere if it’s so great. Out of all the supports lucio and moria have better mobility. Mercy relies on her team to move around. And what’s the point of consistency in heals when your healing isn’t enough and is getting out damage. Your saying mercy is an easy hero that can be said for almost every hero that people can pick up but you still need some kind of skill to play any hero. Hence why there is a place below bronze. I understand that people think some parts of mercy is overpowered but the same goes for almost every hero literally. Mercy keeps picked off every game because she has no means to defend herself and she only has a pistol. Her main goal is to heal and rez people but with that nerd what’s the point in keep saying shes over power when she literally is not and has no defenses.

I feel they broke her design with the rework via removing her weaknesses and then that proved OP, it wasn’t universally recognized at first, but it didn’t take long. Many of the Mercys I know hoped they would nerf her passives and Valk’s duration, instead they just removed most of the active stuff in the kit and now they are hitting at her basics too.

Mercy is going back to the same spot she had in the roaster of heroes and that is fine except they butchered her iconic Ultimate Rez, then shredded Valk’s funs parts just to leave things that are passive chained beams for example that don’t make her fun or engaging.

If they made her Mercy 1.0 since she originally only did 50 HPS then all this would be whatever. As we don’t care if Mercy goes to “F” tier as long as she has her iconic Ultimate that felt awesome to do even if you died doing it.

So I go back to my original point I believe Mercy’s current design is flawed because it is all about trying to remove her weaknesses:

TBH I’ve been having good success with healing on Lucio too, but I’ve been able to get more done with Moira than Mercy both healing and damage.

Rez isn’t outright strong either because its strength is dependent on the single person Rezzed which isn’t automatically reliable like it seems people make it out to be.

People did need to coordinate to avoid it thou but isn’t that just working well as a team which this game is supposedly about.

Thou it could be completely reversed if you pulled it off it was the potential save that made it so aloring, and now that is gone. Replaced with an “E” that so much stronger because it is so much more consistent, yet it is completely uninspiring.

Sometimes teams have trouble getting any kills so they fall back on dropping their Ultimates to help them get the needed kills, thou if it comes to that then are you really the better team if you have to drop a bunch of Ultimates just to take a point? I don’t think so, and I find that that is unfun to play against.

Although I’m fine with nerfs to Mass Rez that make hiding less likely to allow Mass Rez to go through, and if they are too much hopefully they are just eased up on a bit.

And that is fine by me actually sounds exciting to have such potential fight swings, its a nice rollercoaster!

So then I hear “Just use Damage Boost” fun feature Damage Boosting is down 23% since the nerf went through because you have to heal more just to keep up and that is why her healing has dropped as much because Mercys are not Damage Boosting by considerably more. (Stats on the Damage Boost utilization came from the OmnicMeta)

A poor quality healbot who’s main benefit in terms of healing should only apply if neither team are getting kills and therefore having long fights.

THAT RIGHT THERE! I hate that it didn’t even change that about her gameplay, yet it was a justification for the Rework just another thing this rework failed to along with the “fun to play against” argument.

Sadly you will get ripped by people for saying this because she’s a “primary healer” therefore she’s not spouse to have a helpful Ultimate.

Really it just prevents the fight outright because the first pick gets removed and you really need to Rez the first pick otherwise Rez becomes more and more useless if the fight breaks out and you are down 2 unless there is a carry who was finally killed, but oh guess what they just got Rezzed and you don’t near the level of warning like you did with the Rez Ultimate.

Sadly I’ve got to get going now but I’ll end on this part:

I feel like she is dying in terms of her fandom. Her players still adore her character but her gameplay just makes you sad and more sad every time you see a nerf because you know they still are not bringing back yet that which made her gameplay worthwhile and fitting with, “Heroes Never Die!”


While I don’t agree that Mercy should be reverted and then tweaked (I mean they did that before and look what happened there), I do agree that she needs another rework entirely.

While she had 50 healing before, the amount of changes that other heroes have received since the time her healing was buffed, is staggering and justifies the 60 hps. However, I believe blizzard nerfed her healing because they didn’t want people to run solo healing comps, which Mercy excelled at. Personally I would have just put her healing on a resource like the other main healers and that probably would have solved a lot of the issues.

Mercy is still playable, but she’s ina really weird place. Unlike the other Main Healers who can keep tanks up, she can’t, however she can keep squishies up more than the off healers. She also is the only healer that doesn’t have any burst healing at all. So rn, she’s only really effective in comps with a lot of squishies or is paired with another main healer.

However, that doesn’t really mean she’ll be used. Now that the other healers are more viable and are objectively more enjoyable to play, why bother playing her at all when the other healers can do a better job than her, have more utility, better ultimates, and make the player feel like they actually have an impact in the game?

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No. No it’s not.

We finally have diversity in support roles. More mechanically extensive heroes should receive far more value than the basic entry character. You can still do well with her if you know what you’re doing. It’s just not an easy ride anymore. You have to actually put in effort like the other healers now.

Let’s not EVER return to the Moth Meta or hide and seek ever again please.

you among many other are talking about mercy before the changes and saying that mercy is only good paired with certain heros is not good for mercy. I personally disagree. Thanks for taking your time to read this :smiley:

Allow me to start by saying that to those who are against mass rez or old Mercy. I do respect your opinion, but I kindly disagree.

In my own opinion, I think a revert of Mercy’s Ultimate with the modern tweaks would undoubtedly solve the many problems a lot of Mercy players experience with her right now.

There’s a reason why 30-40% of Mercy mains left her for more heroes since her past 10hp revert, she’s simply becoming less and less engaging to play. There needs to be something that compensates for her lack, and for me, that compensation couldn’t be any better than an earnable mass res.

But let me reiterate that this is just my take on it, and I don’t want you to have the impression that I think my opinion is any better than yours. We can of course agree to disagree. :blush:

Edit: I forgot to clarify as to WHO I was disagreeing with, this is what happens when you’re half awake and starving at work. My apologies OP!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Thanks for keeping it kind :smiley:


Wow those are so cringe. You realize mercy is just a video game character, right?

As a Mercy main not far from 750 hrs on her, I am happy that Blizzard finally found a way to pull her out of meta. Now that they have successfully done that they can finally focus on the fun elements everyone talks about.

A total revert would be silly at this point, but something like Mass Rez could still come back as Valkyrie is still not in a great spot yet.

However, I disagree that we should have such panic and sadness. I am still having tons of fun with Mercy, even now just trying to find the right formula and playstyle with her.

The hopeless feeling is disappearing by the day as I find ways to optimize the 50HPS Mercy, even pulling the pistol out for Ult charge which is just so funny to me but I love that I am forced to go above and beyond.

I trust Blizzard to figure Mercy out, especially since they finally ended her reign of terror. I think they will put their thinking caps on to make Mercy more fun after Torbjorn gets a rework.

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Could i get a source for those numbers and where it says she’s not fun as the reason for them?

As stated previously

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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This is an opinion.

This is said as a fact.

But either way, Mercy is now balanced. She is not a mandatory pick, it doesn’t matter if it’s after 14 nerfs or 25. She is good in some comps and she is bad in others, as it should be with every support.

I don’t normally comment on these kinds of posts or whatever and prefer to stick to reading forums, but how is this any different to a Junkrat using his ultimate to kill up to 6 players, or Reaper Death Blossoming. Is it not disheartening to die to these heroes when all they have to do is press q?


Actual quote in the Developer update that introduced the :poop: was, “…rest assured, if things aren’t playing out well on the PTR, or if things happen to go live, and they’re not playing out perfectly or to the community’s liking, we will go back and keep looking at these things.”

Go back - that would be to return to what was before, i.e. Mass-Rez Mercy.
Keep looking - find better solutions to the perceived problems than the one they’ve currently pushed.

Instead they dug their heels in, stuffed their fingers in their ears all “la-la-la-la, we can’t hear you”, claimed “she’s fine now” “rework was successful”, and then proceeds to nerf her a dozen and a half times.

It’s time, Jeffrey, to be a man of your word, and GO BACK.

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These ults can be stopped before they do anything and they are used during or at the start of a team fight, not after it.

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