Why we need old mercy (not mercy main btw)

#Justice4Mercy #Mercy3.0


Look, I know that there is frustration linked to Mass-Ress, but there also is to about every ultimate in a way. The stuff that made Mass-Ress toxic could easily be patched up, and there were many suggestions that were thrown straight into the trash by the devs.

What I’m drying to say is, between Mass-Ress and the Rework, Mass-Ress was way healthier to the game(backed up by stats, she wasn’t a must-pick and in-fact didn’t get picked much in high-tiers). With Mass-Ress we could at least work with it, this Rework could only be Nerfed, and Nerfed and Nerfed…until she was left a shadow of what she was.

A revert is more feasible than a new Rework because they’d need to devote way more time and resources to make something new instead of reinstating something they already have and make adjustments to it.

And At this point, I’d accept a single-ress on a low ult-charge if they reinstated her old healing and gave her a useful E, but that’s me tired after an year of constantly nerfing and people saying “she’s fine now” after every single one of them.


You would have saved yourself a lot of anger not Basing truth of something Blizzard “said” . By now, you should know better.

lol that is actually facts


Apparently being a flying healing chandelier in the sky box is fun to people with minimal impact but hey to each their own.

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If they do enjoy it, and aren’t just saying it as a an excuse for an argument. Who knows…


i think they nerf mercy becoz as u can see in OWL they’re playing solo mercy as healer yet they can still win. so u can say that mercy is truely impactful in pro games but not in non pro games. and its not like mercy isnt playable anymore she a situational character right now just like other heroes. its much better if u have many more option to pick rather than pick 1 character that isnt helpful in that situation right? and pro games is the basis of nerf is not like blizzard doing this kind of thing all the mainstream games are doing this becoz pro gamers know how abuse the game so they nerf it.

They never said this.
They said “If we tune her down too much we will bring her back”.
Stop using a quote that never existed.

It has worked though. She was not played much and has become the OP support godess for what?? 1 year straight.

Not True! Moira is good for Goat only. Mercy is still very strong paired with a DPS such as Pharah / Widow / Hanzo even Cree.

The whole claim for the revert is based on the biased opinion of a very small pourcentage of the population. Most of us are happy to see some Ana coming back, and very happy to not have the coordinated Ult push destroyed by a solo mass rez Mercy.

You need to leave this post if you think mercy is in a good place :slight_smile: bye

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Mass rez is mercys old ultimate for a cost of 1650 she could bring 1-5 players back to life in a 20 meter aoe she was generally considered a troll pick with this ult until she received a buff which gave her invulnerability while casting most thst wamt a revert want no invulnerability however

durr hurr DPS scapegoating

stop acting like a 5 year old

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First no she doesn’t “need” to be reverted…
Second allow people to have constructive discussions you don’t have the right to shut down someone that doesn’t agree with you…

Lastly where are the mercy mains? Why aren’t you calling out these comments if anyone that is opposed to your opinion said similar things you’d be all over them, making posts about how the forum is toxic towards you.


to Mercy mains like you,“fun” generally means “overpowered” and “only fun for you,not anyone else”. everyone hated Mass Rez.

I’m a flex player with 100+ hours on support heroes and I don’t want Mercy to be reverted. the rework was needed. all of a character’s power shouldn’t reside in their ultimate.

The best example being Sombra who was played as an EMP bot,but then she had her power rebalanced into the rest of her kit.

I personally enjoy all the reworks. Sym’s primary fire is garbage,sure,but hey,I’ve always enjoyed playing her

I don’t mean to take this out on you but golly I am getting tired of this kind of attitude I get on every kind of Mercy discussion I end up in, haha. “If you disagree with me then you’re crazy/need to leave/hate Mercy/the problem with Mercy and why we have this mess.”


I do find it interesting to see the opinion of someone on mass rez who isn’t a Mercy main that doesn’t just boil down to “because I don’t like it”. Thank you for the post, OP.

Let’s keep it civil in here. No one needs to be attacked for their opinion regardless of what heroes they main.

How many times do we have to tell? The devs said T H E Y W O N T R E V E R T M E R C Y

Imma chime in just to say this.

Technically speaking, there is no way to know if everyone hated mass resurrect. Perhaps a majority. Perhaps a vocal majority. Perhaps a minority. We don’t have a voting system, or the numbers so-

The assumption is still kinda stretching it without hard evidence :x


yes,you’re right. only OW forum-Mercy mains liked it.

That’s still a minority. That’s not accurate at all. :o